Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hawaii 5-0: Daniel Dae Kim (Chen Ho) reflects his departure and lack of support from the cast

His departure at the end of the Hawaiian season 7 5-0 alongside Grace Park surprised fans of the series. However, as Daniel Dae Kim – Chen’s translator Ho Kelly captured, this decision was inevitable. And with good reason, while he had a place just as important as the rest of the cast in the stories, the production refused to put him on a par with his partners by giving him in particular a paycheck in their prime.

Daniel Dae Kim is a victim of injustice in the series

The actor felt a certain injustice, who nonetheless made some sacrifices early in the series to allow him to exist. To Variety, I have already announced, ”One thing that hasn’t been revealed is the massive salary cut I accepted upon signing for Hawaii 5-0 from Lost. It was a steep drop [vis-à-vis du contrat qu’il avait à l’époque], Which has not been recovered before [avec les renouvellements de contrat]“.

However, as Daniel Dae Kim was forced to reduce his salary and never had the right to raises according to his place in the series, his comrades like Alex O’Loughlin and Scott had never known such problems, to a great extent. That the salary difference between them soon became “very important“.

Also, by considering this situation unnatural for a series that his team brought to the same level, that he tried to fight at the time, ”My goal was to put us on an equal footing. Proved that we were really a series of a band like what I thought we were [et comme le projet qu’on lui avait vendu]And thus let me return to the salary level I had in case I lost. I found this position plausible“.

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There is no real support from other actors

Unfortunately, while Grace Park had similar desires on her part, which should have alerted the production to the importance of the topic and motivated the rest of the cast to mobilize for them (like the actors in The Big Bang Theory), Daniel Day Kim was able to. He is not dependent on the support of his former partners in this fight.

As a result, as all the characters in the series united and supported each other, the behind-the-scenes reality was much different, ”I think once you have a group of players, everyone’s goals are unique and individual. So it is difficult for me to say whether they are allies in this matter. But I know the way things ultimately turned out to change my relationship with them“.

A revelation that breaks the family side of Hawaii 5-0. Reality always hurts.

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