Henry Cavill, a Hollywood actor famous for his role as Superman In Man of Steel, he has an affair with his nephew Thomas.
A photo of the actor with a member of his family spread on social media, and many of his followers remembered the story that the movie star told on the show. Kelly and Ryan Live, in 2018.
Little ThomasHe was 7 years old at the time, and was called a liar for saying his uncle was Superman himself. The young man received ridicule in schools and was taken to the address at his insistence.
The baby’s mother went to the educational center after calling about what had happened. When he got there, the teacher told him to stop lying.
The woman confirmed that what little Thomas said was true. Therefore, he decided to end the harassment towards his son by contacting the actor.
it was Henry Cavill He was surprised to go to school with his nephew. In the released photo, the actor is seen with his relative wearing a polo shirt with the Superman logo on it.
Henry Cavill Foil in The Witcher 2
The teaser for the second season of The Witcher was released on Netflix social networks and many of Henry Cavill’s followers were excited to see the actor reincarnated in “Geralt of Rivia.”
The exact date of the first presentation of the audiovisual project remains unknown; However, it is known that it is scheduled for July 2021
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