Thursday, March 13, 2025

Here are the rules in force in the countries –

(European) The country you go to, you find (different) entry rules. On the eve of what will be the second summer accompanied by the Corona virus and waiting for the European digital health passport to turn into a reality, Italian families who want to plan a vacation outside Italy, but within the borders of the ancient continent, must do Pay attention to entry requirements Provided by the individual state. To discover that it is up to their children to wipe as well for at least a few weeks. And you have to be careful about the destination because the minimum age is different.

European green corridor

But first a step back (and forward): Europeo green corridorThe digital document designed to facilitate travel and where to enter your data (Coronavirus negative scan or vaccination), It should make its official debut within the European Union on June 30th About a month and a half after the test. The countries are divided into three groups based on their technological readiness to issue these certificates. In Group 1 – the most advanced – there are Italy, Spain, Malta, Greece, Bulgaria, Estonia and Luxembourg: it will be up to these countries to be the first to try the Green Corridor.

How many hours before entry should the survey be performed for each country (for some
How many hours before entry should the swab be done for each country (for some, only the molecular smear is recognized)

Various requirements

But for families who do not have time to be vaccinated before summer and, above all, for those with minor children, some entry requirements may still be in place. One in particular: The negative molecular or rapid smear depends on the individual state. How does it depend on the individual country not only timing – there are those who require the test within 72 hours of landing and those within 48 hours – but also at what age a child should wipe it or when not demanded at the border. In this last aspect, the rules are the most diverse even within Europe and will change according to the vaccination campaign and the epidemic wave (so it is always best to inquire a few days before the trip).

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European Document

Document from last December from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc) It is suggested to the states With simple instructions – from Children under 24 months of age exempt from entry buffer. For those of the age of two or more, it leaves the freedom to decide, and to add member states that could consider alternative methods.

Da Chi and
From what age should minors appear on the borders of the countries they visit with a negative streak – warning: rules can change even at the last minute

For children

What did the states decide? Here the situation gets complicated, to the point where parents with more than one child are Carefully check how many children they have to wipe, otherwise they will be denied entry. Buffer is in fact required because vaccinations are allowed from 16 years and over and it is expected to reduce them in the coming months. right Now Portugal The person with the lowest: Minors who are at least two years old must have a negative certificate for Coronavirus. Families wanting to enter GreeceInstead, they should remember that children who are at least 5 years old will need to be tested. The minimum age increases to 6 years for wishing to travel to it Spain e GermanyUp to 10 years for anyone wanting to relax in the mountainsAustriaJumps to 11 for those who want to get in France e United kingdom And at the age of 12 for those planning to visit Switzerland e Cipro.

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May 2, 2021 (Change May 2, 2021 | 07:38 AM)

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