Friday, March 14, 2025

History of gold coins with the sponsored “Ghost” Emperor statue. Confirmation of experts after three centuries: «They are correct».

Gold coins bearing the statue of the most controversial and enigmatic leader of the Roman Empire guarantor which in 260 m about, illegally seized power in a Roman province Dasha. The territory included the present areas of TransylvaniafollowerOltenia Born in Daughtersin Romania And the Hungary. This is what emerged from the analyzes conducted by researchers dUniversity College London And fromUniversity of GlasgowMichela Botticelli, Jesper Erickson, Jacek Olander, Leini Sprozen, led by prof Paul Pearson. The research lasted more than a year and a half and its results were published in the journal Plus one. Coins were discovered in Transylvania in 1713 To this day, it is considered a fake due to the technique used. According to experts of the past, in fact, the style was more comparable to Roman coins made in the middle of the third century. But coins have a face guarantor Some manufacturing anomalies. Thus, to shed light on these historical-temporal discrepancies at the site, the researchers analyzed the coins using not only light microscopes, but also ultraviolet, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission infrared spectroscopy.

From the intersection of the ridges some characteristic fine surface abrasions appeared coinage that have been around for a long time. Moreover, from an analysis of the earth deposits that remained on the coins, it was found that the coins were buried for a long timebefore highlighting it. And by crossing different technical data, together with historical investigation, it was found that the coins look authentic. “Scientific analysis of these extremely rare coins saves the Emperor with auspicesAnonymity – said the person, commenting on the results of the study. Our evidence indicates that he ruled Roman Dacia, an isolated gold-mining outpost, at a time when the empire was suffering from civil wars and frontier lands overrun by marauders.”

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