Friday, March 14, 2025

Horror discovered inhumane conditions: a farmer was arrested

Greyhound breeders have been arrested after a horrific discovery: the poor dogs were being kept in truly inhumane conditions.

A greyhound in a cage –

More than thirty purebred dogs, gods Greyhoundsin his home Truly inhumane conditions: Because of this, a fancier got her neck in trouble, afterward Horror has surfaced. Unfortunately, when we talk about purebred kennels, this is not the first time we come across it Really borderline positions Or perhaps – as in this case – they crossed the line long ago. There are even some cases where these dogs were once used in traditional races Exploited Real mass graves.

Pictures of the inhumane conditions in which greyhounds were kept: heartbreaking!

Very dangerous bouts Remember what happened over the years, for example with Beagles, who become laboratory dogs in spite of themselves. Now comes the complaint that led to the arrest Rebecca Perkins42, of Hunmanby Road in East Yorkshire. Here greyhound farms really abound and right there Great respect For these animals, which are also used and above all during the hunting season. This is also why seeing pictures of how these dogs were treated happened aghast a lot.

Greyhounds in inhumane conditions –

there Breeding manager Where all this happened Jailed After discovering these greyhounds in disgusting conditions: Facts are thoroughly consumed In the breeding of the East Yorkshire kennel. Greyhounds Among the short-haired dog breeds They are probably the most wonderful of animals and it is absolutely unbelievable that they should be treated this way. This obviously applies to all dog breeds and in general to all those who say they love animals and then do really disturbing acts like this.

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Leads toAnimal Welfare Actso the 42-year-old woman was found guilty of a crime Three crimes And for this he now has to serve 36 weeks in jail, ie Nine months imprisonmentBut not only that: As soon as she gets out of jail, she will come Banned for life From the possibility of acquiring and breeding animals. Typical punishment for those who ask for it Dog abuse.

The story of those who discovered those greyhounds imprisoned in inhumane conditions

Some dogs turned into skeletons –

within inspectorsthere are those who said they intervened and were the first to see a black greyhound that helpless situation Inside a small house made of plastic material, he is almost unable to move. Then describe it as in “shameful circumstances”, reiterating how he was so “thin and emaciated” that the dog “could hardly walk”. Several of them were very skinny, slender greyhounds in cramped, cramped stables, and the skeleton of a small dog that had been there for some time was also found.

During the trial, Rebecca Perkins herself confessed responsible Compared to what was shown against it, but in context charged the vet That he did not intervene, despite his calls, to check Health status of greyhounds. Moreover, a health problem arose during the operation and financial problemswhich would have prevented the woman – considered an animal lover by everyone in the region – from taking care of the greyhounds as they should.

But, unfortunately, the photos and stories of those who intervened speak for themselves: in fact, there were several of them Greyhounds in physical condition Very disturbing, actually very thin With dirty pillows scattered on the floor, so indoors health conditions beyond the bounds of decency. At one point of the farm, during inspections, i.e The corpses of some greyhounds, which were not removed They don’t.

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