Thursday, March 13, 2025

How do I know where my forearm is and how much money I have?

Find your Afore with one of these three tools

You can easily find your Afore by calling the Pension Savings System (SAR) enabled number. There you have to ask, but it is important that you have information like CURP, RFC and security number in the community.

Another way to find out which management manages your savings is to log in to the e-SAR site And in the main menu, select the Find Your Place option. In the same way, you need to have your Social Security Number (SSN) and your CURP, as well as an email account, on hand to receive information.

Finally, there is a third way to find your phone by downloading the previous mobile application on your cell phone. It not only helps you find the company that manages your pension savings, but also helps you review and update data and make voluntary contributions. Remember that voluntary saving is very important to achieve a Decent pension .

Now, if you’ve already found the above where your sources are located, you can call to request that your account statements and other information be sent along. If you do not like the above that is allotted to you, you have the right to change it once a year or less and it should go to the one with the best income. In This site You can find phone numbers of various ancestors in Mexico.

What do I do if my Afore does not appear or is at zero?

There are specific cases where people see a portion of their account statement at zero. The majority of the items are SAR IMSS 1992 and SAR Infonavit 1992. This happens because, by official arrangement, it was managed by resources and banks for the period from December 2000 to 1992 to 1997, but it was never linked above, they were transferred to a concetradora account. However, these savings can be redeemed and consolidated into a previous account in the name of the applicant.

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To do this, you will need to request your Source 92-97 transfer and provide the following documents and further sign:

1. Official identification

2. Receipt for at least two of each of the following documents).

3. RFC Certificate issued by Tax Administration Service (SAT).

4. Birth certificate.

5. Any document issued by IMSS that appears with your full name and your Social Security number.

Before beginning this process, you will need to integrate your ID file with your biometric signature (fingerprints), a photograph, official identification and proof of address.

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