Friday, March 14, 2025

How to vote for the regional elections

The constituency is the district, whose number was reduced from 22 to 13 in the French capital during the reform implemented under François Hollande’s five-year term, to which Guadeloupe and Reunion were added. Lists must respect full parity and include alternately a male and a female candidate.

The list’s regional grade determines the number of elected officials, but candidates present themselves through departmental divisions.

The scores in each of the district’s constituent divisions determine the division of seats at the divisional level.

In which countries is voting compulsory?

Members of the regional councils are elected for six-year terms by proportional representation in two rounds.

  • To make it to the second round, only those lists with at least 10% of the votes cast can be retained. However, those who got 5% of the vote could merge with the lists that got more than 10% to stand together in a second.
  • The list with the most votes receives a majority premium of 25% of the seats. As for the other seats, they are distributed to all lists that got more than 5% of the votes, according to the rule of the highest average. It is thus almost guaranteed that the list that arrives first will be within the majority in the regional council, and the goal is to achieve a stable majority. This is necessarily the case in a triangle, but in a quadrangle, an absolute majority is not guaranteed to the candidate who wins, if his three competitors have about 25% of the vote.

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