A new marine fish has emerged from Australian waters. Captured and photographed by Trapman Bermagui, who lives and works in Sydney, on September 12, he shared the photo on his Facebook profile in search of someone who could solve the mystery. What are the types?
The mysterious shark has an unusual, semi-“prehistoric” appearance, with coarse skin, a pointed snout, large eyes and a set of sharp and prominent teeth. He swam in very deep water, about 650 meters deep. This may explain the unusual shape of his eyes.
Some have found a resemblance to a cooked shark, a small shark with an elongated, cigar-shaped body, but, according to its discoverer, it has nothing to do with the specimen.
According to Dean Grubbs, director of the Coastal and Marine Laboratory at Florida State University, this species appears to be Centroscymnus owstoni, a fish dog. “In my external investigations, I found a few in the Gulf of Mexico and the Bahamas. They came from a depth of between 740 and 1,160 metres, a little deeper than that. Professor Christopher Lowe, director of the Long Beach Laboratory co at California State University, believes that instead “Deepwater kite shark, already seen in Australian waters.” The investigation is open.