Thursday, March 13, 2025

In Maine, Marcel Dardenne sets Aaron on fire for the last time with his lights

This is Marcel Dardenne’s last fire. This resident of Aaron, Maine, fired his own traditional Christmas lights, which are populated by figures from popular culture. This 22nd year is also the volunteer’s last yearand those who support it. Photo tour of the fairy garden of Marcel Dardin.

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Hearts, reindeer, and small train unanimous

Children clapping for Marcel Darden's little train.
Children clapping for Marcel Darden’s little train. © Radio France
Celine Oten

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Even 6000 visitors flocked every winter for 22 years To enjoy the homemade magical garden of Marcel Dardin. Admission is one euro for adults, and the money is donated to residents of the village of Bosse in Burkina Faso.

A hot air balloon, a sled in the air, and a Tintin rocket make the scene come alive.
A hot air balloon, a sled in the air, and a Tintin rocket make the scene come alive. © Radio France
Celine Oten

Amid references to popular culture...the Christmas bed.
Amid references to popular culture…the Christmas bed. © Radio France
Celine Oten

Marcel Dardenne invites you to his lights route de Mayenne, every evening from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. until Jan. 2. He himself supervises its installation with the cover of the stationmaster and his whistle. And don’t rely on him for detail at the end of the highlights: he’ll elude him with a big burst of laughter.

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Onwards until 2022.
Onwards until 2022. © Radio France
Celine Oten

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