Thursday, March 13, 2025

India: Modi towards a historic election victory and a third term

If instead Forecasting If it turns out to be incorrect, it will not be new.

It is not uncommon for them to do this director They are wrong because, as analysts explain, it is extremely difficult to obtain credible results in such a vast and complex countryIndia.

The last day of elections in India, in six weeks

Pre-election polls had always shown the BJP largely victorious, but during the six weeks of voting, more than one doubt emerged about the party's stability. The majority of government, leading many analysts to expect victory, but by a narrower margin than in 2019.

By conducting an average of six opinion polls this evening, June 1, the NDA was able to get results Between 355 and 380 seatsup from 353 seats won in the 2019 elections, when the BJP alone fielded a New Delhi 303 parliamentarians. Again according to the exit polls, the opposition alliance is led by the Indian National Congress Rahul Gandhi It is expected to win between 125 and 165 seats.

The opposition explained that it did not believe the opinion polls. Most opposition parties, not without reason, accuse Indian television channels that conduct this type of poll of having Modi supporterStressing that in India they are not manufactured according to sufficient scientific standards.

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