Filming for the fifth and final installment of the “Indiana Jones” saga has begun in the UK. At age 78, Harrison Ford is once again wearing the costume of the famous adventure archaeologist. Supports sources.
The first photos have been posted online in recent days on Twitter in which we can see the actor in particular in the middle of a discussion with the crew, with his famous hat screwed on his head.
Station Tavern, Crossmond, Whitby, North Yorkshire.
– Indiana Jones Gallery (arn Bornett_College) June 8, 2021
New photo via Aking MakingStar Wars # Indianajones
– Indiana Jones 5 News (@ indy5news) June 8, 2021
Despite some rumors suggesting that Harrison Ford could lead a younger comedian to play the hero in the film, directed by James Mangold, these films prove that actress Callista Flockhardt’s partner is not ready to go on retirement. “No one else can be Indiana Jones. You do not understand? When I die, he dies! ”, Announced the actor on American television a few weeks ago.
Expected on French screens on July 27, 2022, Indiana Jones 5 may add some flashbacks with the refreshed indie. One thing is for sure: Mates Mickelson and Phoebe Waller-Bridge will answer him.