Thursday, March 13, 2025

La Guadeloupe reveals a treble of rville

Larchipel guadeloupéen a été secu en en pine nuit, ce mardi 15 fivrier, par sisme d’une magnitude superiority à 5.

The Millionaires Guadeloupéés on the Rvillés for the first time in the treble, at 5,4 on the Richter, d’Proes don center the search sismiques of the West Indies (UWI), and the registrar à 4h03 exactly (locally) . This privacy policy is second to none.

Lipicentre du tremblement of another seiterate à 58 kilometers north of the Point-à-Pitre, à 19 kilometers profile. Pour l’heure, your auchun dégté matriel ni aucune victime n’t signals, these reactions ontomb nombreuses on la initi.

This is the first time in the history of Guadeloupe that frames in the genre. In September 2021, the second treble of the avant-garde presents quinze journeys daily. The intensity of the secrets is the same as the quintessence of the mardi matin.

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