Tensions are rising between Poland And the Russia. Warsaw asked the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrovnot to participate in Ministerial meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, scheduled to be held in Lodz on December 1-2 and to which the Poles hold the rotating presidency. The Kremlin defined the decision as unacceptable and sent requests for clarifications to all OSCE countries. The issue of the missile, which exploded on Polish soil, near the border with Ukraine, apparently derailed relations between Moscow and Warsaw forever. With the risk of a possible new escalation.

Poland’s decision

In the past few hours, Poland’s decision not to welcome the Russian side to the OSCE summit has sparked discussion. Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw, Lucas Gasinaciting the agency BabaHe said Moscow had already been notified of the request through diplomatic channels. “We do not expect Lavrov to attend the meetingJasina explained.

Recall that Poland currently has a file rotating presidency Of the 57-member bloc. This Warsaw Declaration unleashed Russian anger. For its part, in fact, Moscow does not agree and asked for explanations from the other participants, indicating that this step was “Unprecedented and provocative“.

New diplomatic battle?

Jasina answered yes to a questionAFP extension If Moscow is denied access to the December meeting. In a previous statement, the Polish presidency of the OSCE reiterated that “Delegations should be adapted to current EU regulations and not included punished persons from the European Union“.

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In the aftermath of Russia’s illegal aggression against Ukraine on February 24, a number of Russian citizens were added to the list of persons subject to sanctions, including Minister Lavrov.Warsaw was added.The decision of Poland, the interim chair of the OSCE, to refuse the participation of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in the OSCE ministerial meeting in Lodz on December 1-2 is Without precedents And the provocativeThe Russian Foreign Ministry responded.

Tensions mount

Regarding the very complex diplomatic relationship between Russia and Poland, we mention two facts. Meanwhile, Warsaw and Kiev began negotiations to find out how Ukraine could participate in the investigation of the file Rocket It fell on the evening of the 15th in Poland (which was initially blamed on Russia). Two ways of cooperation are under discussion: Ukraine could submit an international request for legal aid to Poland, or the Polish prosecutor general could organize a group of international investigators.

The other episode is aboutRussian Embassy in Poland. The Russian Foreign Ministry condemned the throwing of a bottle Molotov against its Warsaw embassy. “Unidentified persons attempted to attack our diplomatic mission in Warsaw on two occasions‘, reads a statement by the additional speaker, Ivan Nechaev, also complaining that the Polish police did not intervene when there was a shooting.Incendiary bottle“.”We ask Poland to guarantee the security of Russian diplomatic and consular missionsThe statement called for an investigation and the arrest of those responsible, added the statement.


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