For several years now, Mathieu Madinian has participated in Boyar Castle. An experience that “absolutely” does not keep good memories…
This Monday, November 15th, TF1 is broadcasting the TV movie rodents. An unprecedented and frightening comedy to endure Mathieu Madinian and Claire Kim. The comedian plays Maxim, a die-hard bachelor who can’t seem to leave his adolescence and finds himself having to host his brother at home, played by Bodder. The latter, as a pet, a ferret named Michel. The rest, we’ll let you discover. In the meantime, on Monday 15th November, it will be on Buzz TV The figaro The artist came to talk about this novel but also about his career through his best memories… and his worst experiences.
Boyar CastleAn unparalleled game that has hit more than one game
In fact, if it has been installed well for a long time On Michelle Drucker’s famous red sofa in a Sunday roll in France 2, Mathieu Madinian He also agreed to step out of his comfort zone. It was in 2011 in Boyar Castle. A great challenge for the comedian as for many celebrities. If the show has been a hit for many years on France’s televisions, many Participants have very bad memories. Between painful creatures, amazing experiences, and absolutely crazy (even scary) situations, it’s hard to stay calm and focused in order to bring in as much money as possible for the different societies. And that, Matthew Madinian knows something about.
Mathieu Madinian and his phobia
on a plateau Buzz TV Do Figaro, the 45-year-old comedian, admitted that he has long been afraid of heights. A particularly uncontrollable dizzy feeling which particularly hindered him while participating in Boyar Castle. “Tu tapes Madénian Boyar CastleYou will laugh!“He had fun. When asked if he had good memories of his very intense visit to Father Firas’ den, his answer is definitive and without appeal:”No no ! not at all ! With things falling on my mouth … I had a beam, there was four meters of water.And the representative concludes:I’m terrified of heights, and I don’t like seeing myself on TV. Listen to me, look at me, I don’t like.“A new member of the celebrity club will definitely not be participating in it Boyar Castle !
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– TV Magazine (TVMAG) November 15 2021
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