Friday, March 14, 2025

Nearly 500 people arrive in 24 hours: Lampedusa collapses again

Better weather conditions have once again encouraged departures from North Africa for our country. The new one proves it landing to Lampedusa, where several boats with hundreds of migrants arrived within a few hours. After the extraordinary wave of arrivals in January, the number of immigrants arriving at our shores in February is expected to rise as well.

In anticipation of the sea improvement, the authorities began emptying the hot spot from LampedusaMost of the migrants were taken to Porto Empedocle and then transferred to one of the quarantine ships anchored in the area. But in less than 24 hours, more than 400 migrants landed on the island, returning the structure to a state of saturation.

Yesterday, February 11, 5 boats with 225 people on board landed in Lampedusa. Most of them were intercepted by the naval means of the Coast Guard and the Financial Police and then escorted to the pier for disembarkation. On board, mainly, Tunisians and Egyptians. As of late evening, 261 migrants were hosted at the hotspot. which has a maximum capacity of 250 people. But good sea conditions encouraged the arrival of more boats during the night.

Indeed, between late evening and dawn, other small boats reached Lampedusa, with a total of 183 other migrants on board. The first boat with 83 people of different nationalities on board, all men of different nationalities, was intercepted by the financial police at the entrance to the port, and from there it was escorted to the pier. After conducting an initial health screening, all migrants were taken to the hot spot Cala Imbriacola. On the other hand, the second boat with 100 other migrants on board was tracked down by the army at Cala Croce. There, all the passengers were taken on a patrol boat of the financial police that escorted them to the Favaloro pier and from there, they were also taken to the hot spot.

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During the day, yellow flames identified another boat carrying 36 migrants, including two women and two minors, 20 miles from Cabo de Poniente. The group was transferred to the patrol boat and escorted to the pier. The first investigations made it possible to discover that the boat had left Sfax in Tunisia. The migrants said they came from Ivory Coast, Guinea Cornacry, Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone. The sea wagon was seized by the authorities. But the hot spot is now having a hard time because there are 481 migrants inside, compared to a capacity of about half. The State of Agrigento, in agreement with the Ministry of the Interior, is working on the planning of new territories Transfers. 100 people have already been assigned to the quarantine ship Aurelia.

Daily drop: it is now Emergency clandestine immigration. Nothing can change with Minister Lamorgese in the Ministry of the Interior. He should resign as soon as possibleGiorgia Meloni said on Facebook after the countless landings in Lampedusa.

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