Thursday, March 13, 2025

Pokemon Go announces November 2021 events

Pokemon Go Announcing a full list of events and features for the month of November. Pokemon Go Announced a list of four events for the month of November, including a tie-in event to release Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl and a “mysterious event” to conclude the season of mischief. November will start with the Día de Muertos event that will run from November 1 to November 2. Unlike last year, the Dia de Muertos will be a global event. shortly thereafter, Pokemon Go The Festival of Lights event will take place from November 5th to November 14th and features ‘Light Beats Darkness’. The second half of the month will see a week-long event to celebrate the launch of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl From November 16 to November 21, and the month-end event from November 26 to November 29 that will contain a special research story for players who have completed the Mischief Special Research story.

Pokemon Go Also announced perks for the month of November, including Legendary Pokemon raids and Research Breakthrough encounters. Players will face Vullaby for completing an amazing quest throughout the month. Vullaby is usually limited to Strange Eggs, so this is a good way for players to stock up on candy if needed. Swords of Justice Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion will be available in 5-star raids from November 5 to November 16, while Cresselia will appear from November 16 through December 1. Additionally, Mega Absol will continue to appear in raids until November 5, followed by Mega Manectric from November 5 to November 16, and then Mega Lopunny from November 16 through the end of the month.

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Finally, Spotlight hours were announced on the following dates:

  • November 2 – Candy Bonus: 2x Catch Candy
  • November 9 – Chencho; Bonus: 2x candy transport
  • November 16 Bonus tortoise: 2x Catch Stardust
  • November 23 – Shemshar Reward: 2x Hunting Experience
  • November 30 – Pebble Up. Reward: 2x Catch Candy

Pokemon Go Previously announced that Shinx will be November’s Community Day Pokémon, featuring the all-new movement Psych Canines. Community Day will begin on November 21.

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