The climate minister found the clear words
“This is how you leave Germany in the rain”: Haebeck reckons with Merkel’s climate policy
Berlin. Federal Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) settled accounts with the policy of former chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) during the final debate on the legislative package for the rapid expansion of renewable energies. “If you take your picture in front of glaciers, but forget that glaciers are melting. It’s all right to get out of all sorts of things, but forget that you have to build the infrastructure for it. If you make climate policy decisions, but don’t back them up with action, you leave Germany in the rain,” he said in Berlin. said Thursday at the Bundestag.
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Economy Minister Habeck reckons with Merkel’s climate policy
Economy Minister Robert Habeck criticized the Merkel government’s climate protection efforts.
© Which: Reuters
He explained. , to the opposition leader’s accusations”, meaning the union. After the debate, five bills and several motions were voted on. Habeck spoke of “the biggest legislative package in the energy sector in recent years, probably decades”.
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The legislative package aims to significantly accelerate the expansion of renewable energies in Germany. Among others, the production of energy from sources such as sun, water and wind has been classified as “violating the public interest”. More energy is being produced by wind power both onshore and offshore. In the future, two percent of the federal territory should have wind energy. The package also regulates the compatibility of wind power with species conservation.
Wind turbines: Countries must provide more space
The federal states must provide more land for more wind turbines. Because there are different needs for the expansion of wind energy, different targets should be applied to individual countries. Habeck spoke of fair and just distribution. At the same time, he said, countries should be held accountable. Expansion goals should be shared in a joint venture.

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Habeck spoke of fair and just distribution. At the same time, he said, countries should be held accountable. Expansion goals should be shared in a joint venture.
The expansion of new wind turbines has stalled in recent years, mainly due to the limited availability of space. SPD parliamentary group leader Matthias Miersch said individual states could no longer withdraw. The alliance needs to do more to expedite planning and approval processes.
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Review by CDU energy politician Andreas Jung
CDU energy politician Andreas Jung spoke of a set of missed opportunities. Habeck did not seek dialogue with the Union and did not organize a round table with the federal states. Instead, the traffic light now rules from above. Jung also criticized Chancellor Olaf Schaalz (SPD) for not attending the debate. “The climate chancellor seat is vacant.”
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