Thursday, March 13, 2025

Russian embassy publishes photos of Italian bombs sent to Kyiv: “Providing weapons does not solve the exorbitant bill”

soldiers with “zIn the chest are explosives and heavy weapons components. The Russian Embassy in Italy published on social media three photos of weapons sent from Italy to Kyiv and seized by the Czech Republic’s army He flies. With a comment: “Arms supplies to Ukraine do not help solve a problem Dear BillsA real attack on Italian politics on the day the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Gueriniexplain to Copacer Fifth decree to send arms.

Memorandum of Copacer’s President, Adolfo Orso, on Guerini’s Hearing

“The Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic, in today’s session, held a hearing for the Minister of Defense, The Honorable Lorenzo Guerini. During the session, the Minister briefed the Committee on the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine regarding its many recent implications in the geopolitical scenario. During the hearing, the contents Fifth Interministerial Decree authorizing the transfer of vehicles, materials and military equipment to government authorities of UkraineAnd finding the commitment of the decree itself to the indicators and directives dictated by the House of Representatives. The committee also reviewed: a draft decree related to the employment of the authority’s staff special forces Defense abroad, unanimously expressing an opinion in favor of the proposal made by the distinguished rapporteur Maurizio Catoy; Draft regulation related to the employment of workers abroaddespairunanimously expressing a favorable opinion on a proposal submitted by the Honorable Rapporteur Federica Diene; Draft decree containing measures intelligence By contrast in the Internet sector, with the unanimous expressing a positive assessment on the proposal of the senator decided Paolo Arrigoni“.

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