Thursday, March 13, 2025

September will be a risky month. Official reasons and forecasts for autumn that promises to be extreme »

Weather: September will be a risky month. The formal decorations and predictions of fall that promise to be extreme

September/Autumn OffersSeptember/Autumn OffersFrom a meteorological point of view, there is less than a month left until September and the beginning of the autumn season. According to the latest updates of European Center Based on ACCUWEATHER We are going to have a very difficult season with a high risk of flooding.

But let’s go through the analysis in order to better understand all the reasons for this first concerns analyzing OFFICIAL OFFERS In light of the following Autumn.

L ‘The summer of 2021 turns out to be really extreme From a meteorological point of view in Italy. Temperatures have reached peaks too high to touch 50°C in Sicily With a very serious drought problem dominating many of our regions.

This extreme heat also affects sea ​​temperature, with values ​​already transferred 28-30°C In most ponds (4-5 ° C above average).

These conditions can lead to the development of Medican (or TLC), that’s kind of “Mediterranean hurricanes‘, which form when the warm waters of the Mediterranean feed off low pressure and develop the characteristics of a tropical storm. Even if it is often for a short time, Medicane can bring Heavy rain and strong winds up to 120 km / h.

According to forecast AccuWeather After that, the most attention should be paid to areas North Center due to the serious risk of flooding. This period of the year is often rather sensitive due to the strong contrasts that arise between completely different air masses: the last heat on the one hand and the first cold rush from Northern Europe on the other. The history of the recent past is unfortunately full of flash flood events capable of causing Landslides, torrential rains, and severe thunderstorms. Once again, the surface water temperatures of our seas must be carefully monitored, which can provide the energy needed to develop mega-storm cells that can only be predicted after a few days.

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Europe. Finally, taking a look at the rest of the continent, 1-3 is expected in the coming months Tropical Storms Access to the British Isles, Northwest Spain and Portugal Heavy rain and storm surge along the most exposed coasts. Warm with temperatures well above average climates rather in Eastern Europe where an unusually difficult high pressure field would remain.

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