Summer Games in Tokyo: Fischer wishes the dressage star inherits more Olympic victories

Former boat rider Birgit Fischer would have no problem replacing the most successful German Olympic participant.

“It’s time for someone else, I’ve had a very long time,” Fisher told Funk Media Group newspapers.

At the Tokyo Olympics, dressage rider Isabel Wirth (52) could catch up with Fisher, who has racked up eight Olympic victories, with two more golds. Werth’s first golden chance is on Tuesday (10:30 a.m. CET) with the team. The former exceptional jockey and boater who was seven years older would win eight Olympic gold medals and four silver medals.

“I wish her Olympic victories seven and eight,” said Fisher: “Isabel Wirth is a woman who has achieved so much. She is a coach and an athlete at the same time – just like me. Except that I have trained not a horse, but myself.”

Fisher won her Olympic victories from Moscow 1980 to Athens 2004. Wirth first triumphed in 1992 in Barcelona with her legendary Gigolo horse. “It’s a great performance,” Fisher said. “It’s been there for a long time, you have to do it first.” “Everyone who goes to the Olympics should have a high level of physical and mental fitness. Regardless of the sport.”

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Tokyo Olympics

Fisher interview, push barrier

  • Bonnie Twitty

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