Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The “Climate Elders” present Switzerland to the Strasbourg court: “More and more of us are dying from the extreme heat”

The “Climate Elders” present Switzerland to the Strasbourg court: “More and more of us are dying from the extreme heat”

It’s just not young man to fight for climate. a group of Alfie is Swisswith an average lifespan 73 years oldenvironmental crisis brought before European Court of Human Rights (Siddus). They are called “Older People for the Climate” Their call is the first case discussed at this level. Since March 29, 2023, the Strasbourg court has in fact been called to examine the impact of the ecological collapse on human rights In particular, responsibility Swiss, which, according to the applicants, has not implemented effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. The European Court of Human Rights could use the case to set clear criteria to apply to future rulings on this issue.

Some say: Why do you complain, You will die anyway. But we don’t want to die just because our government failed to come up with one climate policy decent,” he explained to local media Elizabeth Stern, one of the female participants. Association and its headquarters Zurichendorsed by the local branch of Green area And to support his thesis, he starts from the dataHigh mortality ratebecause of scorching heaton the older segment of the population. According to the applicants, Berne’s inaction violated their fundamental rights.

In fact, this action comes after several local actions, unsuccessfully terminated since 2017, to claim Switzerland more ambitious policies Reduction Greenhouse gasesInline with Paris Accords. The Strasbourg Court has in the past recognized the harmful effects on life and health of environmental damage. However, it has not applied this jurisdiction to the climate crisis: its impacts and responsibilities are linked to many actors and factors. If the European Court of Human Rights accepts the arguments of the “climate sages”, the Swiss government will be obligated to address its violations.

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In particular, you will have to reduce carbon dioxide production “By more than 60%, instead of the 34% expected so far,” it arrived Carbon neutrality by 2050. Then, “as a rich country, with a history of high emissions,” it will have to work to reduce them abroad as well. In addition to the many scientific studies provided by third parties above all Environmental NGOsThe women will also present the judicial history of their case as evidence: they argue that the Swiss system has not guaranteed them adequate access to justice and an effective remedy, which is guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights.

This legal action could create an important precedent, in all 42 countries (including Italy) that signed the document and established a practice, if national courts dismiss climate-related lawsuits. The Strasbourg court is also considering two other cases related to the climate crisis: the appeal ofFormer Mayor of Grand Synthand a commune in France, the suit brought by 32 young Portuguese against 33 countries. You will likely use them to select one future standardsOr so activists hope. The news comes at the same time as another important turning point for international environmental policy: the General Assembly’s approval of United nations from U.S Accuracy to ask The Hague Court of Justice To define legal obligations related to climate change.

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