Friday, March 14, 2025

The difficult relationship between the referendum and energy

And here we are at this second assignment to this iron pillar.Coffee on the platformReturning from the tips and opinions of letters received for the first introductory episode, we try to sail on a lifeboat equipped with “new” concepts that try to tackle a topic such as the difficult relationship between Referendum And powerand thus the voter sector and energy.

Let’s start from the beginning. We are around the time of the oil crises of the seventies and at the same time in Italy we were about to face one of the first referendums on the energy sector, to be precise, on nuclear energy. To go deeper into the situation at the end of the 1980s when the referendum took effect in November 1987, one year after the disaster ChernobylWe will explain that the political situation in Italy saw the Christian Democrats and the Italian Communist Party as champions.

We are in the First Republic and economically Italy was in a period of growth and development. In fact, taken from Wikipedia, “The exploitation of nuclear power in Italy took place between 1963 and 1990. After that year, all Italian nuclear power plants were closed, either because they had reached their age limits or in view of the result of the 1987 referendum.”

Where, even if not outright, he started abandoning the idea. There were four nuclear power plants in Italy: in Latina, Garigliano (Caserta), Trino (Vercelli) and Caurso (Piacenza). But “Between 1988 and 1990 the governments of Guria, de Meta and Andreotti VI ended the Italian nuclear experiment, by abandoning the combined nuclear project and closing the three still operating plants at Latina, Trino and Corso.” Over the years, many important historical events took place such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Maastricht Treaty, the stay in Tangentopoli in Italy, the end of the First Republic and Silvio Berlusconi taking the field in 1994.

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There would be countless events to mention but to stay on topic, let’s jump ahead.. And to continue in chronological order on the referendums that took place in Italy on the energy sector, we have to move to 2011, from the oil crises to that of us. We turn to the latest manifestations of the financial crisis that led to the famous 2008 crisis that began in the United States and had repercussions for all economies.

In fact, in 2011, the poll question was targeted and saw a non-pinning victory Sardinia’s nuclear power plants. If nuclear power can be seen as dangerous for us Italians, suffice it to believe that in any case there are plants installed in Switzerland or France, on the border with Italy, and existing projects such as the ITER project whose aim is to try to create a clean environment. energy in the future, mentioned in the previous episode of our “Coffee on the Podium” column.

To stay in our semantics of the energy world, we can’t help but turn to our next poll on drilling in the Adriatic. This is also a topic already mentioned in our previous conversation which sees us go from 2011 to 2016. The political landscape has changed and among the different governments that occupied Palazzo Chigi we come to the Renzi government. A referendum that was at the center of many debates because a particular political party preferred to analyze the issue from a populist point of view, thinking about and trying to channel voter approval, rather than thinking about value creation and infrastructure for Italy as it tried to run the government. Then Croatia took over everything.

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These different events make us see and realize the “difficult relationship” that exists between the referendum and the world of energy, which we can conclude is not quite a perfect pair.. They are not Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively to name a few. In the face of populism and the desire to manipulate the electorate for electoral purposes without thinking about the good of the country in short, Italy has achieved no result. This should make us think about the way we do politics and make decisions in these areas.

For any clarifications, advice or reflections, as in the first tweet, I am waiting for your news
on me: [email protected]


Matteo Cocu born in 1995, Quality Control Inspector, with experience in Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy projects.

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