Thursday, March 13, 2025

The French Parliament approves reform: abortion in the constitution – News

925 French parliamentarians, representatives and senators gathered today in Congress at the Palace of Versailles agreed to include the right to abortion in the constitution. France is the first country to decide to include voluntary termination of pregnancy in its Basic Charter. There were 780 upvotes.

to know more ANSA The Vatican warns France: “There is no right to end a life” – News – The Paris Parliament must today include the right to abortion in the constitution (ANSA)

Of the total number of parliamentarians entitled to vote today on amending the Constitution, there were 852. The number of votes in favor was 780, and 72 against. The majority necessary to amend the Constitution, three-fifths of Parliament, has been largely achieved.
At this announcement, a very long applause – initiated by the President of the Community Conference, President of the National Assembly, Yael Brown-Bivett – rang out in the Ile du Midi hall of the Palace of Versailles.

At the same time, joy exploded in the Trocadero Square in Paris, where thousands of people gathered in front of a giant screen directly connected to the Palace of Versailles. In the foreground, the Eiffel Tower began to shine in celebration of the event, while the inscriptions on the tower, “Mon corps, mon choix,” and “I have my body, I have a choice,” lit up.

Reproduction © Copyright ANSA

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