Friday, March 14, 2025

“The Lion’s Den” – the duo’s founder lures lions with laxative peaches – TV

It’s not just money that flows…

Does this deal mean big business? On Monday evening, mother-and-son duo Kirsten Hansen, 54, and Louis Lowe, 26, showcased a somewhat unusual product with “Luxplum” on their startup show “Die Höhle der Löwen” (VOX): the digestive plum.

If you want to empty your bowels or suffer from constipation, you have two common remedies: Glauber’s extremely bitter salt or colon irrigation – both of which are not particularly pleasant. This is why fasting fans of Hansen and Lu are in search of a more pleasant alternative.

This plum helps against constipation

Lowe: “We found a plum in Southeast Asia that, when fermented, is said to have a natural laxative effect.” Luxplum “now wants to conquer Germany’s health food stores. For 10% of the company’s shares, the small family business asked for 75,000 euros.

Nico Rosberg doesn't know yet what to think of plums

Nico Rosberg doesn’t know yet what to think of plumsPhoto: RTL/Bernd Michael Maurer

So far, so good. But no bargain without taste… right? Understandable doubt among the black. And investor Nico Rosberg, 36, continued: “I have a train journey ahead. How many hours do I have there?”

Lowe’s founder was able to calm the former Formula 1 world champion. It takes several hours for a plum to take effect.

Rest for the lions, after the initial stomach ache, they dared a taste test. And the plum was really good! “If you have the alternative, Glauber’s salt or that, we’re talking about a two-star meal here,” said mega investor Ralph DeMille, 55.

Löwen Williams and Glagau attackers

Even if there was no offer from Dummel himself, two lions were cut off. Judith Williams (50) and Nils Glagau (46) each offered the requested €75,000 – but for 20 per cent of the shares.

Two offers of plum laxative! But founder Christine Hansen had very different plans. Businessman: “Can you imagine that both of you work with us?”

can you! Glago and Williams offered a double pack: €100,000 – but for only 30 per cent. Despite the lack of money, the investor’s double strength was the perfect mother-son deal!

Bites Investor Nils Glagow

Bites Investor Nils GlagowPhoto: RTL/Bernd Michael Maurer

Said Lowe: “It couldn’t have been better, we had exactly what we wanted from the start.”

DHDL: This is how it went after the deal

No happy ending to a double deal! After the show, Lioness Judith Williams was less keen on plum.

The Investor: “In our discussions, it is becoming increasingly clear that given the current delivery situation, omnichannel Laxplum sales are currently only possible to a limited extent and we have withdrawn as a result.”

But not for Glago. The entrepreneur stayed on the platform and paid 50,000 euros for 10 percent of the company’s shares.

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