Thursday, March 13, 2025

The passport has all the tricks to obtain and renew it

Recent reports on logs very long times Based on tails Still long In the appropriate offices to request and obtain passportPartly because after the most difficult phase of the epidemic, we return to travel, and partly because another kind of “disease” afflicts our country, bureaucracy. Waiting for us to be able to see it live in our hands, let’s see in detail what kind of document it is, how it is created and what data it contains.

What is it and how is it done

identification document required by law, and passport issued to Italian citizens and he necessary To implement foreign tripsbehind Outside affiliateEuropean Unionwhere it suffices instead Identification card. after Britain’s exit from the European Unionpassport Necessary Also to go to United kingdom. from 2006 available in our country i Biometric passports (i.e. equipped with a chip that contains data such as fingerprints of the hands and a picture of the face, personal data, and thus name, surname, date of birth, residence and nationality), while from 2010 Latest model available “electronic”single format of 48 pages with picture And Scanned signature.

The Italian passport is the fourth “most powerful” passport in the world

with 189 countries to reach “without visa” (ie that do not require a visa) that Italian and the Fourth passport more “strong” world (together with Finland and Luxembourg) according to Passport Index 2023Ranking of the most powerful passports in the world by Henley & Partners. Adopt it standard style from the European Union, and color And Burgundy redwith a doll Italian Republic In the center of the cover are the writings European Union And immediately below Italian Republic Above the coat of arms and the word passport under. The inside is too biometric codewhich is located at the lower end, as is the case with documents from other countries.

What information does it contain

Browse a file passport Italian, we find Information On theidentification affiliate What is with you to Page 2 From the document, for example: photo, type (P), country code (ITA), passport number, surname (1), first name (2), nationality (3), date of birth (4), gender (5) , place of birth (6), date of issue (7), date of expiry (8), issuing authority (9), signature of the bearer (10). At the bottom, there is also an electronically readable section. to Page 3 We find other information relatedidentificationSuch as dwelling (11), height (12), eye color (13). to difference From previous documents to 2009in present no longer exists the space to attach any children: Passport, in fact, is now Individually And unique for every person. All the Information appeared in ItalianAnd English And French. The note number next to the entry indicates Page 6, where each entry is translated into all languages ​​of the European Union. the Pages 4 And 5 reserved forauthority. On it we find the seal and signature of the authority that issued the passport. Often not indicated exact location to issue the document, but only Signature affiliate minister (Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) or quaestor.

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the pages from 7 In the 45dedicated to Visible and ai Stamps affiliate countries visited. to Page 46 Instead it is foundbeginning Article 23 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. the Pages 47 And 48 They are intended for obtaining contact details of family members or acquaintances to contact them in case of need, as well as warnings about the correct preservation of the document.

a Privacy: all th Even numbered pages with fee from flooring to Campidoglio Square In Rome and the equestrian statue Marcus Aurelius. Those shots with the flooring from Square and the rose window affiliate cathedral Orvieto, along with one or two national architectural monuments, from plants to Castel del Monte to Ducal Palace Venice, from Basilica to Saint Francis in Assisi al pantheon from Rome.

How did you get this thing

To request the document, go to location from State Policein the section dedicated to Online passport and click “citizen arrival”. Sign in with your SPID or with there (Electronic Identity Card) You will enter a section where you have to click on it “assignments” Then he arrives Availabilitywhich will allow you to know Bookable appointments And make an appointment at the police offices responsible for your area. Repair dateYou will receive a filee-mail with the Receiveyou will have to produce All required documentsA copy of the appointment receipt and a valid identity document (original and photocopy); Two passport photos in the appropriate format; Payment receipt for payment receipt of 42.50 euros and revenue stamp of 73.50 euros.

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costs in detail

So it is necessary to get the long-awaited document 42.50 euros To pay by postal order to the current account number. 67422808 payable to the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Treasury Department, for the reason: “The amount of issuance of the electronic passport.” Payment is currently only possible physically, at Italian post offices;

73.50 euros For the revenue stamp that can be purchased from the tobacconists. the it costs So the electronic passport is 116 eurosto which expenses must be added passport copyusually between 6 Hey 10 euros.

paying off 9.05 euros Then it is possible Receive the passport at home Private Poste Italiane, with insured mail. Otherwise, it can be withdrawn Personally The document is in the office where the procedures were performed.

At the end of the procedure, a Receipt sheet, with all indications related to the practice. It is necessary to keep this paper carefully, as it will be requested when the document is issued. The passport can be obtained from fingerprintthe Public Safety CommissionerI Carabinieri or on your own commonBut beware: Single In the fingerprint and the security Department You can get FingerprintsTherefore, if the appointment is not in one of these two places, a Another step to add them.

How much time would it take

today more than ever, timing to launch affiliate passport I am very variants They differ based on Many factors: number of applications, necessary checks, duration of the year, municipality of residence, etc. the State Police websiteShows how average time Waiting for the issuance of the passport between i 15 Hey 30 working days-Wait this is possible decrease In case emergency, that is, for reasons of work or study, for medical treatment, in mourning, for obtaining visas or other procedures. When placing an order at the counter, it is necessary to presentNeed to enter Shortly Your passport and submit documentation suitable for Show urgency.

Expired or missing, the renewal procedure is the same

be on it Expired or Lostthe Procedure to renewal From the passport it is Itself from that to first request. It will therefore be necessary to make an appointment at Questura or the Commissariat, presenting the indicated documents for release and receipts of payment paid. until the it costs no different: 116 euros. You must bring old passport or the complaint from the document Lost or stolenDeclare on the application that you already have a passport and submit a new application for renewal. Here too, it is possible to issue emergency, but only for the cases already described. if it was worn out the space to Visible And Stampsyou will need to request New passportFollowing the same procedures envisaged for the first release.

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Quadruple passport

also dogAnd the cats And lender who travel in villages affiliateEuropean Union It must be equipped passportAny identity document issued by ASL. The document is necessary to protect against Health risks It must contain me Personal Data affiliate What is with you for the animal Testimonials Of any Vaccinations carried out, including the obligatory treatment against rabies, at least twenty-one days before departure. Great BritainAnd Ireland And Sweden They also provide immunological test Rabies antibody verification, performed within the time limits set by each country.

When was the passport born?

According to the aforementioned 2023 Passports Index, the passport more “strong” world is who Japan: Japanese nationals can travel without a visa to 193 destinations. The second place to Singapore And South Korea (with 192 destinations), third to Germany And Spain (with 190). last mattressAfghanistanwith suns 27 countries Where to go without having to apply for a visa.

It was the English king Henry V To provide The first passport In the XV centuryto allow him Threads To prove their identity when traveling out of the country. Even today, in fact, the passport is issued in the UK in the name of His Majesty The Queen (now King) though Does not have a This document.

the Italian passport He wasn’t always “dressed.” red. until the 1966 era greenand even 1953 of color blue.

there The first nation To provide Biometric passport he was there MalaysiaIn the 1998.

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