Friday, March 14, 2025

The secret game mode is allegedly a sandbox called “BattleHub”

From Rhonda Bachmann
After the upcoming Battlefield 2042 was officially introduced at the last E3, fans now want to know more about the game modes. The developers have already revealed that there should be classic games and a danger zone. According to a leaker, the third mode, which remains classified, is a sandbox called “BattleHub” and is primarily intended for fun.

On October 22, 2021, Battlefield 2042 is set to begin and the developers are slowly giving out details about the upcoming shooter. So there must be huge maps from time to time. Two game modes have already been announced: a classic mode with game invasion and infiltration as well as the danger zone. This is meant to be a new and high stakes multiplayer experience. Another mode has been announced on the Battlefield website, but the information is still “withheld”. Details about this mode will be available on EA Play Live on July 22nd. Leaker Tom Henderson may already know more.

The new mode assumes sandbox fun

In a new video, the popular Battlefield leaker deals with the latest information about the mode, which is said to be called “BattleHub”. According to him, one should not get too bogged down in details yet, since he himself would have found out about it from only one source. He was going to talk to several of his informants about it, but they either didn’t want to comment or knew nothing about it. It’s based on an email he received and some photos.

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According to this information, “BattleHub” is said to be the “extreme sandbox experience”. It doesn’t necessarily have to be very balanced. For example, Henderson stated that a tank of BF1 and BF3 could fight each other. The mode is said to have revised maps from old BF games. BattleHub will run on the Battlefield 2042 engine, which will allow older maps to take full advantage of the new game. The movement is also used in Battlefield 2042adopted. But the maps, vehicles and weapons will be the redesigned versions of the old games. The number of players should depend on the size of the map. On PC as well as on current consoles, up to 128 players can face each other on redesigned cards. On older consoles, a maximum of 64 players remains.

those: DSOG Games

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