Friday, March 14, 2025

Top Chef: Netizens express their sadness after the announcement of the dismissal of Michel Saran

Chef Michel Saran will not be returning for a new season of “Top Chef”. While the production wanted to renew the jury, netizens expressed their grief.

Yesterday, Monday, August 31, Michel Saran announced the sad news through his Instagram account. After seven seasons spent training candidates for television’s biggest cooking contest, he hung up his apron at the behest of the production. “I have an announcement for you and it’s about Top Chef,” the latter explained in a video. And to continue: “I won’t be part of the jury next season. After M6 decided to change the jury, here’s the adventure for me.”

A decision that is mistaken by many Internet users, lovers of the distinguished chef.

The sadness and anger of netizens

The chef, who expressed his disappointment to our colleagues at La Dépêche, confident that “it was not his decision”, received many messages of support and thanks from netizens, who were clearly disappointed with the choice. “But why?” someone asks. “We cancel everything! I repeat, our favorite chef will not be a part of Top Chef,” notes another, when most emphasize the qualities of Michele Saran, who will undoubtedly celebrate the show throughout seasons.

“Top Chef wouldn’t have the same flavor without you”, “Top Chef without you is no longer Top Chef”, “Oh no, you are so good, you’ll leave a void”, “Ohhh no. You were the closest and natural chef to the contestants on the show. What a shame not I’m picking you up for the next season. It won’t change anything. We’ll keep following you, Chef. We can read from a bunch of comments.

Internet users who do not hesitate to express their anger and openly criticize this decision. “What a bad decision!!!! michel_sarran so authentic, so close to people, it was a real added value to the show!!! Unfortunately! “,” I’m surprised !!!!!!!! Disappointed !!!!! I’m so mad at @m6officiel what a bad strategy!!! We will miss you boss, your sense of humor, your generosity,” he emphasized to many surfers, when others call for a “boycott” or want to launch a petition: “Go petition against the m6!! “.

For its part, the channel and Studio 89 praised, in a press release, the “talent, professionalism and desire to broadcast” by Michel Saran. “Thanks to him and the other juries, he participated in making the Top Chef competition a unique standard in the culinary world.”

Helen Darrows and Philip Echibest salute their friend

His girlfriend Helen Darroes and Philip Eichebest also spoke over the networks to celebrate their “boyfriend” and the good times they had together on the set of the show that became a cult. “You will be missed,” wrote the two chefs, who will take over the jury role again next season with a major new tournament. Three-star chef Glenn Vail will join the team, replacing Michelle Saran.

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