“Two against the ice” Directed by Peter Flint and stars Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Joe Cole. output from Netflix Christmas Eve 1909 begins with the return of Captain Ignar Mikkelsen and second-in-command Jorgensen after exploring Greenland in their attempt to refute the United States’ claim that Berry is an island separate from Denmark.
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Although they only manage to find the diary of one of the missing group members, Mylius-Erichsen, Mikkelsen plans to set out on a new journey. Due to Jorgensen’s injury, he needs a new partner, but no one volunteers due to the danger of the expedition. Finally, young mechanic Ever Iverson was the only volunteer.
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Two Against Ice: What are the differences with real life in a Netflix movie
The film is based on the story of the monolithic book published by Mikkelsen, in which he recounted his experiment between 1909 and 1912. In addition to the main challenge, their goal was also to find a group that had passed some time before that led by Ludwig Milius-Eriksen. In turn, they were looking for a map showing that the channel it said was dividing Greenland did not exist.
Most of the events seen in the movie were real, especially the survival adventures that both of them had to undertake. However, it is not Ejnar who found the map of lost records like the one seen in the movie, but rather it was made by a Danish explorer named Johan Peter Koch in 1908.
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