Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Who leads between Trump and Biden?

Trump Biden

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina. Six out of seven swing statesIf we vote today They will go into the hands of Donald Trump. Survey, commissioned by Wall Street Journalerupts in the weeks leading up to the election campaign that will lead to the vote on November 5. poleAccording to the poll in these states He would have a lead of two to eight points On the Democratic challenger, the incumbent president Joe Biden. Only Wisconsin will be ahead of it, and it is only one of the seven states in which Republicans and Democrats will compete to win until the end.

the reason? According to the poll, Americans will be concerned about the performance of the economy and skeptical about the capabilities of Biden, who, at the time of his final arrival to office after re-election, will be 82 years old. He will remain in office until he is 86 years old, making him the oldest elected president of the United States ever, surpassing the previous record that, among other things, still belongs to him, having become president for the first time at the age of 78. 2021, after Trump succeeds himself.

A clue that could explain how Donald follows the correct path on the way to the White House can be found in an incident that occurred in New York a few days ago and was published in Corriere della Sera Written by Federico Rampini, one of the most authoritative commentators on American politics and society. On Easter Eve, both Biden and Trump were present in New York, but in decidedly different contexts. Biden, along with two other former Democratic presidents, Bill Clinton And Barack Obama, who was also his running mate between 2009 and 2017, was on the Radio City Hall stage for a fundraiser for the Democratic election campaign. Along with the “rich” part of New York. There are those who paid up to $100,000 for a VIP entry ticket. In the end, the three were able to raise a whopping $25 million.

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across town, Donald Trump attended a policeman's funeral, John Diller, was murdered in New York by a criminal who was arrested 21 (!) times and is still at large. Not only does this symbolize closeness to family and colleagues, it also reiterates one of the main points of his programme: greater safety, especially in big cities. It boils down to the famous adage “law and order,” which has always been the former president’s strong point. “This man should never have been released,” Trump said. Rampini's conclusion is essential and explains a lot: “On that day there were three presidents in the wrong place and only one in the right place.” There is no need to add anything else.

LC, April 7, 2024

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