Friday, October 18, 2024

That $750K of Michelle Obama's “radical chic” hypocrisy.

Yesterday I told you all the secrets of the Democratic convention. But there is a detail worth returning to. The one that has been praised a lot. Michelle ObamaAt one point, he says it very forcefully: “We no longer want a world of generational wealth,” meaning a world where wealth comes from your parents. Well, I find that fascinating and I’m not the only one, so much so that everyone nowadays takes it for granted.

In fact, you should know that Mrs. Obama was recently invited to Oktoberfest. To go there and speak about “green diversity and inclusion,” she obviously had to pay for a flight, probably a private flight, but the best part is that she got paid well for that hour of work. $750,000All commentators. Fox News They say, “But are you talking about wealth when you get 750,000 euros per hour of work?” Let me be clear: it's okay with me, if someone pays those amounts, Michelle Obama It can only be defined as a genius. However, I ask the former first lady: Don't you think your three daughters wouldn't also benefit from one? Generational wealth? Come hereBut what are we talking about?

The extraordinary thing was the entire American agreement. In fact, it was Michelle Obana who spoke next. Bernie Sandersan octogenarian socialist who could be called perhaps the most communist man in America. Sanders delivers the usual speech about the fact that 1% of the population controls all the world’s wealth, and above all, he says, “Billionaires are our problem.” While his socialist positions should come as no surprise, I find it crazy that the person speaking after him is Pritzker, the Illinois governor who boasts a personal fortune of $3.5 billion.

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Bottom line, at the Democratic convention there is Obama who says he doesn't want the wealth to pass to his children, but in the meantime he gets 750,000 euros per hour of work. Then comes the other side. Bernie Sanders And who says billionaires scare him and are America's problem, and who speaks next? Billionaire, Democratic governor of Illinois. Crazy stuff.

Nicola Porro, from Zoppa di Porro on August 23

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