Afghanistan, live coverage - today's G7 about the future of the country.  Secret meeting between CIA Director Burns and Taliban leader Baradar.  Militia:

As the race against time continues to evacuate as many people as possible fromKabul Airport, he is the G7 Today, the fate of a large part of the thousands of people gathered at the capital’s airportAfghanistan Trying to escape from the new life inside Islamic Emirate announce it Taliban who took power in the country. While some European countries, with Great Britain NS Germany In the lead, the union itself will try to convince the president Joe Biden Therefore Students of the Holy Quran To allow more time for evacuations than an ultimatum to men led by the mullah God’s gift Akhundzadeh, scheduled for August 31, starting from White House There is still resistance and the goal is to close the practice before September to avoid the possibilities as well revenge Already promised by the Islamic militias. Among them, the British Defense Secretary says, Ben WallaceThere could be a forced closure of Kabul airport: the Taliban said BBC – He already said that the extension will have consequences. These can range from preventing people from getting to the airport to military activities potentially closing the airport. That’s why our goal is to get as many people out every hour as possible.” But the scoop has since spread Washington Post Shortly before the summit could suggest a different ending: Today, they wrote, a secret meeting took place between the director of the CIA, William BurnsThe leader of the Taliban, Mullah Abdul Ghani Bardar. Thus, the summit, which has been held at the highest levels since the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, opens the door to possible talks between the two parties. Militia elements, through their political spokesperson Suhail ShaheenIn the meantime, they are open to future cooperation with allied countries so that they can Participation in the reconstruction Afghanistan” after they “involved in its destruction”.

Today’s summit scheduled for 3.30 p.m. Italian, asserts the US administration, will be used to discuss “continuing our close coordination on policy” toward Afghanistan, humanitarian aid, the relocation of our citizens out of the country, “the brave Afghans who stood up by us” and the vulnerable Afghans. It is expected that new statements from Biden in this regard will be issued around six o’clock in the evening Italian time. Until then, Johnson, Merkel and their companions will have to try to persuade him to return to the negotiating table with the Taliban to extend the airlift from Kabul. But his closest advisors, let them know CNN, and suggested to the US President not to extend the date of withdrawal, while the pentagonalHe always suggested opposing layoffs Make a decision todaySo we can plan for the return of the 5,800 Star and Stripe soldiers still at Kabul Airport.

british prime minister, Boris Johnson, as he did yesterday, in persuading the US president, as well as emphasizing the need to strengthen support for refugees and humanitarian aid and discussing long-term policy on ‘Afghanistan’ to ensure that any new comprehensive government and respect for international obligations”, as set forth in a note by Downing Street. Today I will convene an emergency G7 meeting to coordinate our response to the crisis in Afghanistan. “I will ask our friends and allies to stand by the Afghan people and strengthen support for refugees and humanitarian assistance,” he wrote in a tweet. “We will continue to use every humanitarian and diplomatic lever to protect human rights and achievements in Afghanistan in the past 20 years.” The Taliban will be judged by their actions, not their words.”

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But there is no optimism from London. Britain’s defense minister said it was “unlikely” that we would be past the August 31 deadline for withdrawal. Ben Wallace. “I think it’s unlikely – he said so Sky News Not only because of what the Taliban said, but also because of President Biden’s public statements. It is definitely worth all trying and we will do it.” The cabinet member then wanted to prepare the nation for a different ending to the one he wished for: “Our goal is to get as many people out of Afghanistan as possible, but the scale of the task will not enable everyone to leave the country. We prioritize people harshlyA concept identical to that expressed by the Spanish Minister of Defense, Margaret Robles, indicating that many of the former collaborators of Madrid They live in areas far from the capital and it will be difficult for them to reach them in the next few days. As well as the German Foreign Minister, Heiko MassHe clarified that “I don’t think we will be able to get everyone who intends to leave” by August 31.

For their part, the Taliban reiterated that violating the ultimatum is a violation ‘obvious violation’ Which would lead the movement’s leaders to decide ‘how to advance and what to do’. And it’s possible Penalties Some countries assumed it, such as United kingdom NS CanadaThey replied: “They will oppose the Afghan people” and “Afghans fought the occupation for 20 years.” “We have entered a new phase, a phase of peace, peaceful coexistence, and the unity of the citizens of Afghanistan,” the spokesman stressed. Suhail Shaheen Noting that the country needs “a lot of cooperation and financial support” at this “critical” time. The hypothesis was also rejected before China Which has big investment plans in the state.

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14.10 – Russia: “We do not want American soldiers in Central Asia”
Russia does not want to see US forces deployed in Central Asia. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The presence of US soldiers in the countries neighboring Afghanistan will turn these countries into a “target”.

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13.37 – 827 people evacuated to Spain
Of the 827 evacuees from Afghanistan who arrived in Spain, more than 300 (40%) are minors. This was stated by Undersecretary of the Ministry of Immigration Jesus Perea, in statements to the TV channel La Sixta. “We took charge of the first conversations with the evacuees as they tell us about the tragic events,” Beria said. They faced very difficult situations to reach the airport.

13.25 – “Negotiations between the Taliban and Masoud without progress.”
He said that “the ongoing negotiations between the leaders of the Taliban and that resistance led by Ahmed Masoud have not yet made any progress” for a peaceful solution that avoids armed confrontation in Panjshir, the last bastion of resistance to Islamic militants. This is what Panjshir County reported on Twitter, an account attributed to the Northern Alliance, that guarantees: “Our resistance groups are fully equipped and ready to fight, and there will be no surrender under any circumstances.”

12:00 – United Nations: “Summary executions by the Taliban”
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, has received reports from “reliable sources” that the Taliban in Afghanistan are committing “summary executions of Afghan civilians and soldiers”.

11.51 – The European Union will ask the United States to extend the end of the evacuation beyond August 31
And EU sources explained before the opening of the meeting called by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to discuss the crisis in Afghanistan, that “an extension of the deadline of August 31 will be among the main points of today’s discussions in the G7.” “It is important for the Union that the evacuations continue beyond August 31 and that humanitarian assistance can continue beyond this date,” they say from Brussels, stressing that “more than 400 people including local staff of the EU delegation and families who are already there have been their evacuation.”

11.25 – China rejects the imposition of sanctions against the Taliban
China rejects the hypothesis of imposing sanctions on Afghanistan, which is considered “counterproductive”, in response to the proposal of the British Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab. “The international community should encourage and push the Afghan situation in a positive direction,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin, referring to support for “peaceful reconstruction” and improvement of livelihoods and welfare.

11.20 – von der Leyen: “From the European Union 50-200 million euros in aid”
Today at the G7 summit, the European Union will announce an increase in the EU humanitarian aid budget for Afghans from 50 to 200 million euros: the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, predicted this in a tweet.

11.15 – Taliban: “Violation of the deadline will lead to repercussions.”
The “occupation” of Afghanistan “must end” and a possible extension of the August 31 deadline would be a “clear violation,” which if announced would lead the movement’s leaders to decide “how to proceed and what to do.” To reiterate, a few hours before the G7 summit, the Taliban’s spokesman, Suhail Shaheen, was in a new interview with CGTN.

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11:00 – United Nations: “Women’s rights are a red line”
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, appealed to the Taliban to respect the rights and freedoms of Afghan women and girls: “The Taliban’s main red line will be the treatment of women and girls and respect for their rights to freedom, freedom of movement, education, expression, work, on the basis of international human rights standards” .

10.45 – Spain: “We will not be able to evacuate all collaborators”
Despite efforts to evacuate “as many people as possible” from Afghanistan, there will be some “who will remain” due to the “really tragic situation” in Kabul and the difficulties in getting to the airport and fleeing the country. Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles said in a radio interview Ser . series. Many collaborators of the Iberian state reside in other regions of Afghanistan, which is why it is especially difficult for them to get to Kabul: “We are doing everything possible,” Robles added, but “there will be people who will stay there for reasons that do not. We count on us.”

10.00 – France: “Our air bridge will end on Thursday”
Paris has announced that the French airlift from Kabul will end on Thursday, if the United States repeats to complete its withdrawal from Afghan soil by the August 31 deadline. This was announced by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

9.00 – Kamala Harris: “The United States is completely focused on evacuations”
The US is focusing “totally” on transfers from Kabul International Airport to keep vulnerable US and Afghan citizens out of Afghanistan. Kamala Harris reiterated this from Singapore after the words arrived yesterday during the press conference with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. I am fully aware that the eyes of the world are turning to Afghanistan. We have achieved the goal we went for.”

8:30 – United States: “10,900 people evacuated within 24 hours”
In the past 24 hours, 10,900 people have been evacuated from Kabul, thanks to 15 US military flights (6,660 passengers) and 34 coalition flights (4,300). This was announced by the White House, recalling that since the end of last July, the United States has transferred about 53 thousand people, including 48 thousand since August 14, when the Taliban entered Kabul.

8:00 – There are still 13,000 people at Kabul airport
About 13,000 people to be evacuated, mostly Afghans, remain inside Kabul airport: CNN reports that the United States is prioritizing American citizens.


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