New technologies back at the center of the insurgency campaign for 2022. Jean-Luc Mன்சlenchon, like other candidates, has decided not to use measurements at his political meetings. Because the rebel candidate wants to impress his supporters. He wants to project the French into the world of tomorrow.
A “surprise” is planned for its next big meeting on January 16th at Nantes. His team promises to be a “technological innovation”, without further ado. One pillar of his campaign tells us that participants will attend “an event at the crossroads between a crowd and a cultural scene.”
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“To give the air of hope in this time of plague”
He and his participants will not wear a virtual reality headset, but it “Take activists to the world, to the community we want to live in. A strategist responded from Jean-Luc Mலlenchon’s campaign.
That said it may seem a little utopian, but it is voluntary. “Giving the air of hope in this time of plague,” said this believer. It is a way to put culture back in the center of the countryside. “Culture, not an extra soul,” he says.
The 2017 hologram came into effect and will be used again in 2022
Jean-Luc Mélenchon and technological inventions, he knows him. He wants to reuse the hologram technique, As in 2017.
The candidate was physically in Lyon and found himself in a room in Paris, for a second, with his finger. The most impressive optical illusion is that he will be updated on April 5th. The rebels will be in six or seven different cities simultaneously. A very effective way to talk to up to 40,000 people at once. At a cost of several lakhs of euros.