Thursday, March 13, 2025

All the oddities of Putin’s speech on the field and the hypothesis of sabotage –

Putin’s address to the nation at Luzhniki Stadium was interrupted by three anomalous pauses, interrupted before the conclusion: router failure or sabotage?

Who knows what the director will become…. The question that bounces on independent information sites, accompanied by a disclaimer that makes it mandatory by law, reminding everyone that we are foreign clients, has a reason to exist.

L ‘Happened at Luzhniki Stadium To celebrate the eighth anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea we will also remember him The strange interruption of Vladimir Putin’s speech.

But how, having gathered a hundred thousand and more, carefully prepared, to silence those who claim that there is no such great support for the conquest, and all bypass at the most important moment, the speech of the president?

technical issue Immediately stated Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Kremlin. or sabotage Alexei Navalny, the first imprisoned and prosecuted defector, said. What everyone thought. But There is no evidence.

The only sure thing was A straightforward one with many negatives. Let’s go back to the tape. Putin’s talk starts from the stage in the middle of the football stadium that hosted the 2018 World Cup Final at 4:20 p.m. Russian time. Three and a half minutes later, he strangely stopped in the middle of his speech. almost unnatural, in the middle of a sentence, about fifteen seconds.

Start talking again. Another short pause, this time ten seconds.

Then Another, this time of twenty secondsThen he resumes his speech, quoting for the second time a passage from the Gospel of John to celebrate the heroism of the Russian soldiers and the unity of the country.

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two hypotheses. The first is that Putin was waiting for the slow applause. It is unlikely, given the composition of the crowd, carefully chosen from among the president’s supporters and the people who were called to the occasion. The second, probably, is that it is Prompt failure – teleprompter -, which has four screens, one on each side of the stage to pass the text of the speech to be read over the loudspeakers called on the stage.

This wasn’t the only problem with the rugged live broadcast. During the speech of the official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova skipped the audio of the live broadcast for at least thirty seconds. Not just his voice, but the sound of the entire stadium. Silent scene, pictures only.

Immediately after the Putin incident, his speech was completely rebroadcast without interruption on Russian television.

If vandalism isn’t in fact, comment by Bianna Gulodriga, of Moldova, international analyst at CNN. I can’t think of a more effective way to show the world how things will work in a post-Western tech Russia.

Mar 19, 2022 (change on Mar 19, 2022 | 12:50)

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