Friday, March 14, 2025

Angouleme International Comics Festival. A major retrospective on author Chris Weir

La Roche-sur-Yon media bookstores organize a comic book award for its first readers (illustration image at the Angoulême Festival)
Chris Ware will guest Augustin Trapenard at “Boomerang” at Inter France on March 15th. (© Julien Sureau)

2021 Grand Prix of the year Angouleme FestivalAmerican Chris Weir He is an author of exceptional creativity who has systematically explored all the possibilities of the medium for nearly thirty years. cartoons.

Élaborée en étroite collaboration avec Chris Ware, la grande rétrospective qui lui est consacrée du 17 au 20 mars, « cherche à guider les visiteurs à travers l’œuvre de l’auteur et, par ce biais, à les faire des pénétrer The ninth art«.

Advanced Lessons at Chris Ware

This retrospective exhibition will follow a series of global chronology. The many original paintings presented to the public will be accompanied by prints and rare objects designed by the artist.

A special place will be reserved for Building Stories. “The stated goal, implicitly, is to invite the audience to delve as fully as possible into the mysteries and possibilities of the language of the comics,” FIBD explains.

With books that are many basic standards, he made it clear that it was impossible to reduce comic book creation to a line, a box, or an idea.

“I immediately picked up his drawings because they appealed to me to see so many different formats, so many varied forms, by the author himself.”

Riad SatoufCartoonist and Director

In this sense, discovering this author’s work off the page, beyond the form of the book, and exploring it through a large retrospective, seems straightforward.

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