Thursday, March 13, 2025

“Another wave in the fall coexists with the virus”

The United kingdom preparing, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “to live withتعايش virusThis is what emerges from a leaked document from government departments. The draft contains hypotheses about what will happen after the long-awaited fourth phase, the last removal of restrictions that was supposed to take place on June 21, but was postponed due to the Indian alternative responsible for the rapid increase In injuries. To July 19. A month is needed to speed up the administration of second doses to the most vulnerable, vaccinate the youngest with the first dose (the eighteen-year-old started yesterday) and secure nursing homes.In fact, Health Secretary Matt Hancock decided to make Vaccination is mandatory for employees of these institutions and he is considering extending this measure to those who work for the National Health System, the NHS.

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Meanwhile, the team of experts is working hard and is evaluating a series of recommendations to the government on how the country can cope with the virus even after July 19. Starting from work: In fact, it is recommended in the document to expand work from home wherever possible. A position that will spark much discussion in the coming weeks.

Regarding the distance between 1 meter, which will not be mandatory during Step 4, experts are rethinking new rules to make indoor spaces safer, first of all specifically those for work. Such as requesting offices to install ventilation systems to facilitate air exchange. Another hypothesis on the table relates to templates so that they remain in use for a long time in certain contexts.

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Autumn and winter just seem covid free: According to the document, in fact, it will be necessary to continue to take some precautions. First, because according to scientists, the specter of a new wave is far from likely, especially when the cold climate encourages internal confrontations where the virus is more transmissible.

And secondly because the scenario of a health system review under great pressure again is a realistic concern, and scientists want to avoid it by any means. In this regard, it is not a good idea to have plexiglass panels implemented by many places, including restaurants and offices, to safely host customers. As recommended by experts, rather than preventing transmission of the virus, in fact, they risk favoring it because if done wrong as often happens, they impede the normal recirculation of air. Thus, the new measure could include the obligation to remove these barriers.

The usual approach for common symptoms, such as a cough or fever, and more specific symptoms such as loss of taste and smell, should also be changed. The draft says anyone with one of these disorders will have to self-isolate at home until testing rules out ongoing Covid infection.

There is no good news even for those who regularly travel abroad and for the tourism sector. In fact, the advice is to keep the isolation period in vogue upon return, to avoid the spread of new variants.

Government sources reiterated that no decision has been taken about what will happen after July 19, and that the predictions, as they made clear, are still premature. However, the scenarios outlined above speak for themselves: With Freedom Day, the UK will not come back to life before Covid-19.

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