Thursday, March 13, 2025

Artificial intelligence scares workers and politicians are washing their hands of it: soon there will be no laws

Workers are afraid of artificial intelligence. But some politicians seem unwilling to do anything to regulate this phenomenon, at least in the short term.

In the face of increasingly dramatic advances in artificial intelligence, it is difficult to maintain balance. There are those He falls into technophobia and ends up demonizing chatbots. But there is also no shortage of those, such as transhumanists, who are the opposite He gets caught up in technology and tasks the AI ​​with some kind of rescue missionlooks forward to seeing the emergence of an “artificial” humanity made up of cyborgs hybridized with machines.

Between these two extremes there are “technocrats.”That is, those who do not give up judging artificial intelligence based on it Tangible effects on people’s individual and social lives. For example, many fear losing their jobs because they will be replaced by super-intelligent machines. There are already studies on the “social migration” induced by machines in the workplace, which encourages laziness among workers who tend to rely entirely on artificial intelligence.

But from the more extreme technophiles – popular among politicians – there is little to expect from the laws needed to regulate potential AI risks.

Artificial Intelligence and Workers: The Dilemma: Regulation or Disregulation?

However, many countries are thinking differently and are starting to think about introducing strict regulation of AI soon. This is the case of the European Union and China.

However, other countries do not appear to have the intention of legislating on AI in the short term. Let’s talk specifically about United Kingdom: The English seem intent on following their traditional liberal policyInspired by Laissez-faire, laissez-faire. As we know, the state’s approaches are not welcomed across the Channel. Briefly, In the UK, it will be the “invisible hand” of AI that regulates itself, at least for the time being.

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This was confirmed recently during a conference in Financial TimesBritish Minister of Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Jonathan Camrose. Camrose said that the British government feared that regulation would curb growth. So There will be no law on artificial intelligence “short-term” nin the UK.

The minister did not criticize the trends of other countries, but he pointed that out «“There is always a risk of premature regulation.”. This option, in his opinion, could do more harm than good “Stifling innovation.” In March, state officials published a blatantly pro-AI white paper, which highlighted the potential damage to innovation that could result from a rigid and rigid approach to AI.

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The English aim to “Becoming a superpower in the field of artificial intelligence”said Michelle Donelan, Minister of State for Science, Technology and Innovation.

The way to go, Donelan added, “It is important that we do everything we can to create the right environment to harness the benefits of artificial intelligence and stay at the forefront of technological developments.” The reason why the British rulers would focus on it “Appropriate regulation so innovators can thrive and address the risks posed by AI.”

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After all that And in the front row among AI enthusiasts is Prime Minister Rishi Sunakwhich has already taken up the cause of big tech companies by ensuring a “Early Access” aDeepMind, OpenAI and Anthropy models. One has also been introduced in the United Kingdom Artificial Intelligence Task Force Committed to promoting the development of basic AI models.

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It remains to be seen whether British leniency can find the right balance. Especially in the face of increasingly urgent demands to provide regulatory assurances before it is too late to do so. Meanwhile, the European Union, the United States and China appear to be moving in the opposite direction, adopting legislation aimed at reducing risks from artificial intelligence.

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