Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Best Defense Units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

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Although it is primarily a Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is more about capturing the enemy than anything else. This means that in addition to the usual Fire Emblem tactics, you will have to adopt very special strategies for your plans: attack, capture, guard and defense. In this guide, we will recommend some of the best defense units.

What do the defenders do in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes?

Image via Nintendo

While the ultimate goal of the mission is usually to take over enemy bases, you must remember to defend the bases you’ve captured to prevent the mission from failing. This is the job of a defender.

Defenders do not need high attacks or magic as long as they are strong enough to withstand the attack of an entire faction. Of course, it is better to have an offensive power to get rid of criminals, but their main task is to defend a blue base adjacent to a red base until help arrives. Armored units or characters with a high defensive base make the best defenders.

Related Topics: All Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Statistics and What They Mean

The best units for defense in the Black Eagles

Best units to defend in Blue Lions

  • Dimitri
  • rival
  • Ash (once I became a bow knight)
  • sylvan

Best units to defend in Golden Deers

  • Lorenz
  • Ignatz (once I became a bow knight)
  • leoni
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After the fourth chapter, members of the Ashen Wolves will also be available for recruitment. They all make good defenders. Jeralt can also fulfill this role once he joins the team.

However, also note that you are free to turn any character into a Ranger! Just make sure your HP and Defense stats allow them to survive. Also, just because they’re guards doesn’t mean they can’t hold other roles as the Seizers.

For more help with Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, take a look at some of our other articles here on Pro Game Guides.

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