A new theory has attempted to explain whether wormholes, a theoretical connection between two separate points in space-time, could be used as a viable solution to space travel by humans in the future.
But what exactly are wormholes?
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Although these wormholes have never been observed, they are consistent with Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
Prior to a new study by physicist Pascal Queiran, it was widely believed that some form of theoretical exotic matter was needed to keep a wormhole open, because it would quickly disappear after it was created with no force to prevent it from closing.
Albert Einstein (credit: PIXABAY)
The study found that using the scale, a particle can be documented that crosses the event horizon at the entrance to the wormhole, passes through it and reaches the other side in a finite amount of time.
This means that the path of a particle passing through a hypothetical wormhole can be more easily traced using the Eddington-Finkelstein scale.
If particles can cross a wormhole and reach the other side unharmed, perhaps one day humans will be able to travel through a wormhole and reach points in space-time that are currently inaccessible using current forms of space travel.
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