Thursday, March 13, 2025

Carolo Flims (68-80) lost to Valencia in the European Cup semi-finals

Flames Program: A small final of the European Cup against the Hungarians from KSC Szekszard on Sunday 11 April before returning to the Women’s League Championship against Charnay on Wednesday 14 April. Then of course a new Coupe de France Final in Bercy on April 24th against Montpellier, to finally win the title! This is the end of this live broadcast, thank you for watching. Have a happy evening everyone.

statistics. Carolo Flames: 23/55 on shots including 7/22 three points, 15/21 in LF, 31 rebounds including 6 attacks, 14 assists, 15 stray balls points: Akhator 11, Bouderra 5, Miyem 10, Nared 8 , Pouye 16 then Cado, Diallo 7, Sy-Diop 5, Turner 6.
Valencia: 31/60 on shots including 6/15 three points, 12/17 in LF, 33 rebounds including 6 offensive passes, 24 assists, 11 lost ball. Points: Ouvina 7, Allen 8, Quintana 22, Casas 12, Trahan-Davis 15 then Gomez 2, Pina Tolosa 3, Romero 3, Guelich 8, Juskaite.

The end of the match (68-80). Ardennes lost 68-80 in the European Cup semi-finals. Despite a good win in the third quarter (26-12), Flames started very far, completely missing the first half (24-48). So it will not be Europe for this year. Charleville now has an appointment with Hungarians from KSC Szekszard for the mini-final on Sunday, April 11th.

39e -15 with 52 seconds to play. The games seem to be made by the Flames team to start their game too late (65-80)

38e And always the small basket that allows the Spaniards to maintain or even increase the gap in this segment. Now are the flames (65-78)

36e Award-winning Allen Comes To Plant Valencia At The Worst Time (58-74)

36e 13 points difference between the two squads, and we will enter the money time (58-71)

35e Bowie has a good 3-point sniper shot between two Spaniards. OUF (57-67)

34e Bowie lost the ball, which was the penalty kick. Carrera turns on the other side of the Earth (54-67). Beware of falling into the trap of the racquet by yourself!

34e The Spaniards are doing very well with a whistle error against C Diop and Carrera who scored two free throws (54-64).

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32e Nice work for Diallo under the circle (54-62).

31e Guelich 2 points and Bowie’s answer (52-62)

Arden reduced his spending by 14 points, scoring 12-26 in this third quarter. At ten lengths, everything is still possible. Go go flame !!!

End of the third quarter. 50-60 Bouderra tries the final dash but his award winning is not causing a fuss

29e Diallo +3 for flame and powder +2 outer points. not finished ! (50-58)

28 H. Turner feeds the mark but the flame confuses speed with speed and spoils a lot of good balls (44-57)

27e An air ball at the end of the beautiful flame movement. Spanish escape again with more than 10 points (42-55)

26 H. Foul in favor of Bowie 1/2 on free throws (42-51). Arden entered the battle

25e Girl on Girl, Ardennes are more urgent on defense and the score is there! On the other side of the field, Bowie continues to win the new prize (41-51). -10 We believe in it !!!!!!

24e Miyem, in turn, with three points (38-51), the Valencia coach had to take a time-out to recharge his forces.

23e Poi for 3 points! (33-50). Turner commits an offense and turns two throws. For the first time, the Flames team plays head-to-head with their opponents (35-50)

21e Good return to the flames of two successes Akhatur and Si Diop (28-48)


Statistics of the first half. Carolo Flames: 7/24 shots including 1/9 three points, 9/12 on LF, 16 rebounds including 3 attackers, 7 assists, 12 stray balls; best goalscorer and best rating: Akhatur (5 points, 5 Rating points)
Parity: 20/36 shots including 5/10 on three points, 3/5 in the LF, 19 rebounds including 4 attackers, 15 assists, 6 stray balls. Best Scorer and Rating: Quintana (11 points and 12 reviews)

End of the second quarter. 24-48, the result speaks for itself. The coach’s words in the dressing room will be very important. Can the flames still return against the Valencia team in their place? We must seriously oil the wheels, tighten up the defense, and especially avoid these stupid losses of bullets hoping to make it happen!

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20 H. This second quarter ends with the signature of a new award-winning Bina (Left Alone) (24-48). Time to take a break until the flames go out

19 H. Flames swing their balloons towards the basket without working and trying to build. And the Spaniards lock access to the circuit (22-45)

18 H. Swinging Free Throws 1/2 (22-43)

17e Sy-Diop finally opens the flame counter at a long distance (20-43). 1/8, it’s time!

16 H. With 4/8 or 50% on three points, the Spaniards are successful. But will it last? (17-41)

14 H. The meeting turns into a demonstration of the Spaniards in the face of the flame simply absent (12-38)

12 H. Akhator was able to free himself and find a circle for the Ardennes (10-29)

11 H. +2 for the Spaniards after a third chance ball … (8-29)

The end of the first quarter (8-27). 3/15 In shots including 3 ugly 0/6 points, 6 lost balls, non-existent defense, this first quarter of time would be disastrous on the flame. At this rate, the Spaniards would finish the game by more than a hundred points. Must interact !!!!!

8 H. The flame doubles even as the fire opens …[٦-٢١)

6 هـ ميام في الرميات الحرة 2/2 (6-18)

6 هـ التكافؤ على سحابة ويحدث (2-16)

4 هـ خسارة الكرة عند فقدان الكرة من قبل فريق Flames الذي يغيب تمامًا عن بداية المباراة

3e ألين يقر بثلاث نقاط على فالنسيا (2-12)

3e خسر الكرة الجديدة وكاريرا الذي يذهب لـ (2-9) لصالح الإسبان. تبدأ المواجهة بشكل سيء بالنسبة لـ Flames مذنبين بارتكاب العديد من الأخطاء.

2e وبدأت في هذا اللقاء مع الإسبان الذين أخذوا أفضل كرة مسروقة (2-7).

بداية الاجتماع

انطلاق النيران الخمسة: بودرة ، بوي ، ميم ، ناريد ، ميم ، أخاطور.

الخمسة الأساسيون من فالينس: أوفينا ، ألين ، كاساس ، كوينتانا ، تراهان ديفيس

حقق الإسبان في فالنسيا رقماً قياسياً من 38 انتصاراً مقابل هزيمتين في جميع المسابقات هذا الموسم. احتلوا المركز الثاني في موسمهم المعتاد في إسبانيا حيث يلعبون حاليًا دور ربع النهائي.

في الدور نصف النهائي الآخر أقيم بعد ظهر اليوم. كانت البندقية هي التي فازت (63-58) على المجريين من KSC Szekszard بعد مباراة متقاربة من البداية إلى النهاية.

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يدرب روموالد ييرنو (44) فريق كارولو فليمز على رأس الفريق منذ عام 2001! مدرب استطاع تطوير الفريق لرفعه من NF3 إلى نخبة كرة السلة الفرنسية حيث يلعب النادي منذ 2010.

بالإضافة إلى نصف النهائي ، تأهل آردن بالفعل لنهائي Coupe de France الجديد (الرابع في خمس سنوات) ، في 24 أبريل ، ضد مونبلييه.

مرحبا بكم في هذا العيش لمباراة نصف النهائي التاريخية بين كارولو فليمز وفالنسيا الإسباني. لا يزال نادي Ardennes في صدارة السلة ، ولم يفز بأي لقب منذ عام 2010 (وصل نصف نهائي دوري السيدات في 2016 و 2017 و 2018 و 2019 ؛ وصل إلى نهائي Coupe de France في 2017 و 2018 و 2019 وربع- المتأهل للنهائي من بطولة كأس الأمم الأوروبية في عام 2019). بدء هذا الاجتماع في غضون ساعة.

Valencia is a strong opponent

Carolo Flames has never climbed high on the European stage. Having flown above the competition so far – their closest victory against Spain’s Guernica 57-50 on January 21 – they now qualify for the European Cup semi-finals, on Friday April 9 at 8 pm. He won a qualification against Swiss Friborg, during Romania’s health bubble in March.

Hence, it is a new health bubble, this time in Hungary, which is waiting to flame during this fourth final. To reach the final, which takes place on Sunday, April 11th, Ardennes will have to beat the Spaniards from Valencia, who have scored 38 wins in two defeats in all competitions this season. Suffice to say the step would be high!

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