Friday, March 14, 2025

Catalonia, drought emergency: water rationing for 6 million people, including Barcelona

there Catalonia It's dry, Lou Water reserves I am less than 16% With their ability, the authorities announced this Emergency in 202 municipalitiesincluded Barcelonafor a total of approx 6 million people interested. The dehydration hits hard despite being alone FebruaryThey will shoot Restrictions on use Of water also in Private homes As of Friday 2. No citizen or commercial activity will be able to use more than 200 liters per dayIn addition to a series of measures covering recreational, industrial and agricultural activities. It is the worst phase of the ongoing emergency since then November 2022 And now it also affects domestic consumption.

“The worst crisis ever, a test like Covid” – The state of emergency will extend to BarcelonaGirona And 200 other municipalities will be added to 37 municipalities Girona And TarragonaThe measures have already entered into force and relate to the irrigation ban gardensWash or fill the car Swimming pool. “It's about Worst emergency “We haven't seen measurements like this for as long as measurements have been around,” said the General State President. Aragon pear Explaining that Climate crisis “He tests us as in pandemic”. The tanks are filled at 15.8%, and there are no expectations in the medium term Rainfall Able to re-establish minimum reserves.

Two hundred liters for each one (the shower consumes 100) – The central government in Spain has also begun to think about measures such as the possibility of this Transport of water From other regions, if the drought in Catalonia persists in the coming months. A similar situation occurred in 2008When it was transported by sea before the summer of Balearic Islands And from Murcia. As of the second Friday the area will be there “Emergency 1” Which saves water consumption per person 200 liters per day. If the situation worsens, perhaps next summer, there are two further steps which include lowering the threshold first 180 And then to 160 litres. To give an idea, according tofromOne Standard shower Consumes 100 litres.

See also  The closure could last until June.

Possible hourly supply reductions – In the'agriculture Irrigation is expected to decrease by 80% farms The threshold was set at 50 percent and in Industries To 25. Restrictions also on swimming pools and Sports centerswith the latter not being able to use Bathing If the situation worsens further. to common Which will exceed Medium size Expected deadlines have been set PenaltiesIt has already been captured in two towns near Girona. Municipalities have also been given the ability to do so Reduce stress Payments or forecasting Supply cuts every hour.

Reserves remain for 15 months – “We have never faced such a prolonged drought, unprecedented since rainfall records have existed: It hasn't rained as much as it needs to for three years “In Catalonia,” Aragonés explained at the press conference, which was flanked by a climate action advisor. David Mascourt. In fact, even the recent few rains were unable to compensate for the drying up of water reserves in the two inland basins that feed the country. Ter-Llobregat systemwhere Reserves remain only for the next 15 months.

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