Friday, March 14, 2025

Czech Republic: Final vote results confirm populist progress – Ultima Ora

(ANSA) – PRAGUE, Sept 25 – In the mayoral elections, the main opposition populist party ANO (Disgruntled Citizen Movement) headed by former Prime Minister Andrej Babis scored important points in major cities, as well as declared success in the first round of municipal elections. Elections to renew part of the Senate. The ruling coalition parties (Civic Democrats Ods, Popular Kdu-Csl, Top 09, Pirates, Mayors and Independents) won in the country’s two largest cities, Prague and Brno. Thus, the final results, which were announced this morning, largely confirm that they are expected by the particles in the evening.

In the first round of the Senate elections – where the turnout was 42.65% – the relative majority went to Ano, ahead of Ods, Kdu-Csl and TOP 09. But in the second round to be held next Friday and Saturday, the populists will have 17 ballot papers to challenge Government coalition parties. For the first time on the ballot there will be a candidate from the Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) extremists. But regardless of the results of the second round, the ruling coalition parties will retain the majority in the House of Representatives.

As for the municipal vote, with a turnout of 46.07%, the final results showed the victory of the populist movement ANO in eight cities out of 13 cities in 13 regions, while the other five victories went to the parties of the Government Center – really. In Prague, the ruling parties have a comfortable majority and negotiations should begin soon.

On the other hand, independent candidates and local civil lists dominate in smaller municipalities in the Czech Republic.


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