Thursday, March 13, 2025

Do you know what phishing is and how it can steal your information?

With this crime they seek to obtain access credentials and information from Facebook users

A phishing campaign is trying to get access credentials of Facebook accounts. It spreads through Messenger, Facebook’s messaging app, with a message that comes from a contact asking to “like” an image supposedly “for a good reason,” according to cybersecurity firm ESET.

What is phishing?

phishing It is a crime to trick people into sharing confidential information such as passwords and phone numbers. credit cards.

The Message It includes a link with a short URL that points to a supposed image and asks the potential victim to put a ‘Like’. However, to perform this procedure requires sign in in the page False what or what copy picture official site from Facebook social networking site.

As in several campaigns, phishing use of secure site features; That is, it uses a security certificate, handles HTTPS And it has a safety lock. In addition, the site uses an image similar in appearance to the image official site from Facebook social networking site, So user name can fall into deceive, especially if Message Comes from a known contact The objective of this campaign is to steal Credentials access to Facebook social networking site. ‘ said Camilo Gutierrez Amaya, head of the lab ESET Latin america.

according to ESET, the main directory to determine that it is a file deceive It is the URL, which does not directly correspond to the social network, although a few words are added to the domain to show that it is a legitimate site.

if he user name located in deceive and enter above Credentials Access, it is simply directed to official site from Facebook social networking site Notice an obvious authentication error, even though the fake website has already captured your data

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Additional way to check authenticity subordinate Locations, consists of checking the parameters of the security certificate. In particular, it is necessary to verify that the site elements the web Legitimate URL match.


Ignore these types of messages arriving in conversations, even if they come from known contacts, or check security items to make sure they aren’t deceive.

Looking at the new features the creators are using Locations from phishing, such as using security certificates, safety locks and protocols insurance, as well as homogeneous attacks in directions the web (also known as homographs or homoglyphs), it is necessary to review the security certificate to verify the legitimacy of the site in question.

Notify the account holder from whom Message Until you know that they are doing this malicious activity by impersonating you and from your account, it is therefore advisable to review any unusual activity in your account, such as logins from different sites or devices, and close sessions that do not correspond to those user name Make.

-Enable additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication. In addition, in the event that the previously unrecognized activity is identified user nameIt is convenient to update the hacked passwords immediately.

-It is appropriate to notify users who are affected by this Messageto prevent them from becoming Victims of campaigns phishing Who seek to reach the number Social media And other services Internet.

identity theft

In the first four months of 2021, the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (Condusef) reported that claims regarding the possibility of identity theft It showed a decrease of 33.4 percent, compared to the same period in the previous year.

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The identity theft is the way Forgery In which a person obtains, transfers, uses or embezzles another person’s personal data without their permission, usually to commit a crime.

Now they’re stealing clinical data

The LV ransomware group announced that they had 300 GB of information from the Aries Diagnostic Group, financial documentsAnd the Banking ServicesAnd the insuranceAnd the customer bases. ADN Grupo Aries owns Laboratorios Azteca, Olab, Jenner, Biomedica, and others, according to Hiram CamarilloCo-founder and Director of InfoSec at Seekurity.

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