“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” brought Sam Raimi back into superhero movies, 15 years after Spider-Man 3. After the successful premiere of the movie, he’s more excited than ever and wants to shoot more movies like this because he’s become More mature when it comes to storytelling.
In several interviews, the director said that he would be willing to direct the fourth installment of his Spider-Man movie with Tobey Maguire. Not only because he wanted to right the wrongs of his predecessor, but because he was unhappy with the saga being canceled at the hands of Sony.
you can see: ‘Doctor Strange 2’ review: Sam Raimi and UCM’s Frankenstein monster
Although he admitted he’s not proud of “Spider-Man 3,” he admitted to Fandom that he was equally surprised by the popularity of the dance Peter Parker showed when coexistence was taking over. At first it was a hated sight, but now it is a source of endless laughter and memes.
“Well, we wanted it to be fun, actually. It was Peter Parker, this pathetic kid’s version of what his villainous character must have been. But he’s so confused… He’s lost his mind that this is his vision. This was not well received by the public. But that’s what we’ve been trying to do. I’m glad people find it funny! We wanted it to go this way.”
you can see: Doctor Strange 2: What happened to Wanda Maximoff at the end of the tape?
Spider-Man 3 tells of how Parker managed to balance his love life with Mary Jane and his duties as a superhero. However, Venom will bring out the darker and more vengeful side of his character. Meanwhile, he is threatened by two other enemies: Green Goblin and Sandman.