Thursday, March 13, 2025

Emma Watson puts some of her fans on her back with this clear view

people and kings

The actress sparked a fiery discussion.

Dor will always stick to his skin. Like Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, Emma Watson is clearly inseparable from the universe Harry Potter. But the last positions considered by J.K. Rowling’s transgender hater has somewhat tarnished the magic of the saga.

“J.K. Rowling’s World of Her”

Recently, the British actress was going to announce to her relatives that she will resume her role as Hermione Grange on one condition only: that the author is not part of a potential sequel. A clear opinion that did not fail to resonate with fans and netizens. I would never spit on Emma Watson, (…) related battles. But Harry Potter, whatever one thinks of it, remains the work, the story, the world of J.K. Rowling, it’s hers. Without it all this is nothing. We wrote on Twitter. “Emma Watson, career free fall, but it imposes conditions if there is a next Harry Potter. Except that J.K. Rowling still has rights and without her consent…”Backlit.

On the social network, Emma Watson discreetly approached J.K. Rowling by suggesting that International Women’s Rights Day be renamed “International Women’s Day” Those whose name should not be pronounced«.

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