Thursday, March 13, 2025

Facebook. They started banning accounts that didn’t accept protection

social network Facebookowned by Meta Corporation, has begun to block access to some Users who have not activated their advanced security software Despite receiving a notification via E-mail, In addition to notifications in the same application, for registration.

Facebook protection It is a program designed for those who belong to key communities in the public debate and may be the target of cyber-attacks, such as human rights defenders, journalists or government officials.

At the end of 2021, Meta has started asking this type of user in the United States to implement this advanced security system He did this by sending emails he had a link to activate prior to March 17th.

However, many users mistook this email sent from the address [email protected]with spam or Spam emailsThey ignored these warnings, according to the portal specialized in technology the edge.

Several users are now reporting problems logging into their account Facebook. When they want to access the social network, they received a message in it It is indicated that the account will remain blocked until Facebook Protect is manually activated.

In order to do so, it offers three options: Authenticate using a dedicated app such as Google Authenticator or Duo Mobile; Send a text message (SMS) to a device; Or use a physical security key.

However, some affected users confirmed by Twitter That some of these options, such as SMS or security key, in many cases, they didn’t work.

On the contrary, other users through this social network have reported that Facebook Requires security measures, such as Two-factor authentication, even though Facebook Protect is not required.

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In addition, they reported that this security system It is also not working properly and they could not access their account despite following the required security steps.

In addition to, the edge Advanced features that other users have also found problems with he cans Activate this security software, and because of that, they have seen how their account has been banned.

For his part, Meta Security Policy Director Nathaniel Gleicher has shared additional information on how to use CompSubscribe to Facebook Protect through your Twitter profile.

We continue to improve the registration and notification process to avoid confusion and will continue to iterate. Part of our goal is to ensure that all people in these communities are protected through basic safety measures.”Wrote.

He also reported that the team responsible for security Facebook is analyzing “isolated cases” of people who have had problems joining the program and has sent a message of thanks to all those affected for their patience..

The tech company started testing Facebook protection in 2019 and initially only available in the US. In September 2020 It started its global expansion and is now a prerequisite for many accounts.


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