- The federal election will be held on Sunday, September 26, 21 instead
- No Political party Should I choose? Wall-O-Mad can help you.
- All you have to do is answer some questions about your political attitude.
- Also available as Wall-O-Mat A Processor?
Before any election First voterThat is, young people who are allowed to vote for the first time after their 18th birthday. Others, who have voted for the same party for decades, but do not accept it, now consider whether they should go to the polls, if so, which party.
Federal Election 2021: The voting machine helps to select a party
Wahlomat goes online today: Where can I get Wall-O-Made 2021?
So far, it is only on the side of the Federal Agency for Civil Education Wahlomat Available in Berlin and Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. It changes today, Thursday, September 2 at 11am. Wall-O-Made Bundestock Election 2021 I.e. Realism Walk. Here you can try Wall-O-Mate:
How does Wall-O-Mate 2021 work?
Vahlomat users a Results support In Bundestack election Both. It aims to provide an overview of selected program items Parties Give in Germany. Dissertations or Perspectives Granted, users respond with “Agree”, “Disagree” or “Neutral”. It is also possible to avoid answers Lessons Highlight things that are personally important to you. Will eventually do it As a result Evaluated and follows the list of which party takes which point of view in the respective study. Of Wall-O-Made It should show which party is most suited to personal interests and preferences.
Who created the voting machine?
The papers presented to you by Wal-O-Matt were produced by an editorial board of young voters, political experts and academics under the age of 26. That was there too Almer Laura Gel.
Wall-O-Made as an application
Voting machine 2021 parties: CDU, SPD, Greens and Cooperative elections
In the election for the 20th German Bundestack 26. September 2021 Of the 54 parties agreed, 47 parties ultimately participate. “Online Portal”Wall-O-Made“Used first Bundestack election Used in 2002. At that time it was used 3.6 million times. Since then, that number has steadily increased to 15.7 million in the 2017 election, according to Deutschlandfunk.

Voting Machine for the Federal Election: SatWest Press is a Media Partner
Wahlomat 2021: Which studies will be offered?
Asked dissertations cover a wide range of topics. There are current triggers – like the limit Rent increases And removal of the internal combustion engine. It’s about hot topics like climate change and migration. But various classics have long been half-baked in the political debate in Germany, for example the abolition and withdrawal of solo songs. Property tax Or credit break.

For many, some points may fall into the main category. Examples:
- “Restricted sales Cannabis Should generally be allowed. “
- Or: “Vaccines Should continue to be protected by patents against Govt-19. ”
- Or gender title: “Federal authorities should take into account different gender identities in their publications.”
On the other hand, one could argue that very relevant topics such as the future funding of pensions are being ignored.
What the dissertations presented are and how important they are is definitely an idea. So, in the end, those statements may be important to you Overweight. Finally, in the form of a bar chart, you can see to what extent you agree with the positions of the parties. Individuals can be selected or, with a tick, all available for selection.
New activities at Wall-O-Matt for the 2021 federal election
The “Tuning” option is new in this exam. Here you can change your positions and weights and see how this affects the result. According to the motto: Which topic makes me lean towards this or that party? More new “Party comparison“There you can find out which issues the parties agree on or differ on.
Especially helpful: under “JustificationsVoters learn exactly why parties welcome or reject personal opinions. This is because each position can be defended on a policy basis or criticized for very different reasons.
This feature is also useful because the thesis is only partially inaccurate, which is due to the shape. Example: “The possibilities for landlords to increase apartment rent should be very strictly defined by law.” It is not clear what the specific meaning of this should be for politicians.
What result does the user get?
At the end of the day, Wal-O-Matt calculates the extent of the agreement between one’s own position and the chosen parties. A bar chart shows the percentage to which the answers coincide with a party as a whole.
Wall-O-Matt: What influence do the parties have?
Studies will be sent to you to answer. Scientist Check that the conditions and the reasons for them are reliable and correct. This is to prevent attempts to achieve better results at Wall-O-Matt with incorrect answers.
Are there alternatives to the voting machine?
Calls, installation, function – data on the voting machine
- The voting machine has been around ever since Federal Parliamentary Election 2002
- It was called 15.7 million times in the 2017 federal election
- The program offers a variety of political studies that users can evaluate.
- From this, the tool calculates the percentages per user, indicating which parties they are likely to agree to.
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