After a long wait, HBO Max finally aired Friends: The Reunion, which brought the original members of the sitcom together for the first time after the series ended. They are: Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer.
With moments to remember, special characters also came in relevance for the series. With BTS, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and others on the scene, fans were quick to inquire about the absence of the lead actor Paul Rudd. Mike Hannigan (Phoebe’s husband) is on the show.
An unexpected ‘veil’
Seasoned fans noticed that while Rudd did not appear as a guest, It was part of the archive photos corresponding to the last chapter of Friends That was posted at the reunion ceremony. In the behind-the-scenes video, he was seen filming the actors’ farewell party.
Regarding her absence, Friends: The Reunion, director of Ben Winston, told The Wrap the following: “We couldn’t have everyone, because it’s only an hour and 45 minutes, plus the main theme of the show is about all six of the cast members. There have been amazing people who have been in friends over the years, but unfortunately we weren’t able to have everyone, “he said.
Rod’s character married Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) during the tenth season of the show. In the special, Kudrow, 57, commented that if there was a continuation of the series, the couple would still be together. “They will have children. I see her as the innovator of arts and music programs in schools.”
Friends, latest news:
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