Thursday, March 13, 2025

Full information on Nintendo Direct

The Nintendo Direct special was an opportunity to get more details about Xenoblade Chronicles 3, which will be released on July 29. Characters, battles, and the open world have been on the menu for this presentation for about twenty minutes. Here is the summary.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Main Characters

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 takes place in a world devastated by the conflict between two nations, Agnus and Keves. The six main characters belong to these two opposites, but soon realize that they share a common destiny and must join forces to defeat their true enemy.

The first group consists of Noah, the “courageous seer”, the reckless Eunie, and Lanz, the tough guy with a distinct taste for combat. Their primary opponents are the gentle Mio, a brilliant tactician Taeyeon, and Sena, a young soldier with great strength. After getting together, our group of six will fight together to achieve the achievement SwordmarchLand divided by a huge stone sword.

Besides these six main characters, there is a long list of heroes, who can be recruited as a member of the Seventh Party. Each hero will have his own specialty. Valdi, for example, is a healer, while Alexandria can take serious blows.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Battle Classes & System

All characters in Xenoblade 3 are compatible with the classic RPG trilogy: attackers, defenders and healers. But within these categories, there are more specific ones. of between it , SwordBalanced striker leads the fight exhalationa defense specialist who can counter enemy attacks, or Rashid cannonwho can heal allies and enhance their long-range abilities.

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Each character can switch between different classes, and in order to have a balanced team it will be necessary to ensure that several classes are taught to each character. Classes allow characters to use arts and special abilities assigned to each button on the console. The goal then is to constrain arts to create combos to eliminate enemies and throw them into the air before smashing them to the ground, increasing damage. The fusion system allows you to combine two different arts into one attack.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s battles remain in real time, with the ability to switch between each party member at any time. A system that appears to be a continuation of the first two episodes with some additions.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Links Between Ouroboros

But the most interesting novelty in this Direct is undoubtedly l’ splicing, an ability that allows two party members to fuse to form a mechanical or evangelical-like creature called Ouroboros. Depending on the chosen characters, the appearance can change, but also the abilities of the Ouroboros. So it will be necessary to choose the right pair and the right “pilot” according to the enemies.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Pass d’extension et version Collector

The Direct also announced the arrival of an extension pass, priced at €29.99. This will include a new scenario and will be available by the end of 2023. At launch, the card will be given outfit colors and bonus items. By the end of 2022, new challenges, quests, and outfits will also be added.

Most collectors will keep a close eye on the Nintendo Store, which will benefit from the exclusivity of the sale on the traditional collector’s edition with hardbook and graphics.

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First announced during Nintendo Direct in February 2022 and scheduled for the end of the year, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 recently saw its release date to July 29.

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