Friday, March 14, 2025

Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Ciceron close to the French Open record

In search of the Olympic gold medal in Beijing (February 4-20, 2021), Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron lead each competition. After the Finnish Cup at the beginning of October (85.58 points) and then the first Grand Prix in Turin two weeks ago (87.45 points), the quadruple world ice dancing champions took home their best result of the season on Friday for their rhythmic dance on the theme of Safa.

With 89.08 points, the French clearly outperformed the bronze medalists at the last world championships, and Canadians Piper Gill and Paul Poirier (81.35 points) and Russians Alexandra Stepanova-Ivan Buken (79.89 points) came close to the world record (90.03 points in 2019). Last week in Tokyo, her Russian rival Victoria Sinitsyna – Nikita Katsalapov got 86.33 points.

“This Grand Prix, we know it well, it’s a bit like fun compared to the other competitions.

“Increasing our points by two, that was the goalGabriella Papadakis replied. We know this Grand Prix all too well, it’s a bit like fun compared to the other competitions. “ The support from the Grenoble fans warmed the hearts of the Olympic Vice-Champions, who were in the perfect position to win the competition on Saturday and thus qualify for the Grand Prix final in Osaka (December 9-12). French Evgenia Lopareva-Jeffrey Bresseau finished fifth with a score of 69.23. Lucia Demogote-Theo Le Mercier, who replaced the duo Adelina Galifieva-Louis Thoron, who announced their split, received 63.95.

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Earlier today, it was no surprise that the three Russian figure skaters ranked the top three in the women’s competition. World champion Anna Shcherbakova (77.94 points) beat European 2020 champion Alina Kosturnasha (76.44 points) and Ksenia Sinitsyna (69.89 points).

The competition continues on Friday with short programs for men and couples.

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