Thursday, March 13, 2025

Geotab consolidates your presencia en el mercado chileno

The telemetric telecommuter has over 20,000 subscriptions in Chile, refining the value of its technologies in the field of transportation.

Geotabthe empressa de telemática de flotas super las 20,000 subscriptions in Chileconvictindo your technology in the most essential part of the administración flotas comerciales in Toda América Latin.

Al respectably, the vice president for Latin America’s Geotab, Sean Killen, is the author of the Nimero de Vehicle Connectados in Chile reform, reconciling and valorizing telematics for various operations.

You can: Geotab: así contributed to telemática a la seguridad carretera

Adams, subray is one of the services Analyze the data in real time One of the lowest principles of sectores, com el el transporto, permit optimization and productivity las empares, increasing seguridad and sustainability in las.

On your own, in the Discobonización sector sector transport in Chile, Geotab colobora is the organizer of the Platform Platform of Electromovilid, with the most desi roller metas and items that you can download from the corto site’s download site.

Geotab pretende seguir ampliando your organizers affinis afine en todo Chile to ayudar apoyar mejor a las empresas which compositidas a ayudar a creod un mundo sustainable.

Sean Killen, vice president of Latin America’s Geotab

With the Minister of Energy of Chile or Chile consuming 36.6% of the final energetic corresponding sector sector transportation, and this porcelain mice of 99% corresponding combustible derivatives petroleo, cifras que demuestran la relevancia del sector in total emisien total gases effect invernadero in el pais.

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Respecto this is the theme, el papel de Geotab es Provide real-time informative informationwhich permits los administrators flotas tomar decisions based on informative data.

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With that, the organizations can easily activate product product and product deficiencies in your flota, and mismo timepom, complete with los Objective sustainabilidad a travs d ela reducciin del consumo combustible, el timempo ralent, el exceso de velocidad y otras metricas.

Adams, los information that of Geotab ayudan au comment on flotas segouridad de flotas, los hibbitos de conductors and fossando la sana competenti medione la gamificación los information in eos.

The cryptocurrency of Geotab in the excito is the Latin version of the 10 aeros in a mercado Latin. La empresa es reconocida como mayor veyor telmatica in amrica latina with more than 170,000 paise contacts in los regions.

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